How and why the Constitution of this Country was removed and how - TopicsExpress


How and why the Constitution of this Country was removed and how easy it was to con all the sheep! Have a read dispute these facts by Sue Maynes 1. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act is a contract, signed by Queen Victoria and ratified by the British Parliament in 1900. That contract was between the people of the original states of Australia to form a Federal government for the people. The purpose of that new government was for trading on the landmass owned (in legal terms) by the queen, the Crown. 2. The Commonwealth is the People of those states, residing and trading on the landmass - hence the People (Commonwealth) of Australia. That is OUR corporate title, for OUR political corporation. 3. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution is the articles of association of that political corporation. OUR rules-book. (Please go to the files dated 27 Dec to download an A5 booklet with the constitution and an outline of how our govt is lawfully supposed to operate and how the current govt is operating). 4. All corporations have a Seal which is used to validate any vital action of a corporation, such as a call to vote, a change to the articles of association, a levy on the members, an agreement binding on the corporate members, etc. The Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia is the Great Seal of the Commonwealth, holding the lion and the unicorn, with a small lion wearing a crown on the top. That signet is the Crown and holds OUR laws to the Habeus Corpus Act 1862 and the constitution - Magna Carta. Any action enforced through such an act is unconstitutional, will have possible criminal outcomes and has no authority. 5. The Federal Parliament is the committee for that political corporation. At the time of the signing of the contract, this body DID NOT EXIST. It was formed on 1st January 1901 when the new political corporation was Proclaimed and Gazetted. It is a body created solely under OUR rules-book and solely for the purpose of administering OUR trading corporation and must operate only under the rules in the rules-book. 6. Any male or female born on the landmass of Australia is, by right of inheritance, a shareholder in the Commonwealth of Australia. The rules-book establishes how the committee must treat them both legislatively, judicially and personally. Each person of gender, on reaching the age of 21, becomes an active shareholder in terms of holding legal responsibility to vote. Each shareholder holds 1 (one) share and has 1 (one) vote only. No shareholder can buy any more votes or any more shares. 7. The shareholders support the trading corporation through taxes which the committee / Parliament must use solely for the purpose of administering the operation of the trading corporation / Commonwealth of Australia and maintaining the assets of that corporation. These assets and the taxes stored as consolidated revenue comprise the wealth of the Commonwealth of Australia, which comprise the total shareholding. 8. In order to change the articles of incorporation / rules-book / Constitution, a vote of all the shareholders must be taken. That change can only occur when a majority of the people in a majority of the states, agree. If there is no agreement, then not only can that change NOT be made, but the committee / Parliament must leave things as they existed before the proposed change. That is a vital point to understand. The people have been asked twice at referendum to bring Local Govt into the Constitution. Twice the people said No. Bob Hawke made an act in 1993 to give Local Govt the power denied it by the people. That was in clear opposition to the rules-book and has no constitutional authority or validity in any capacity. If something is not in or approved by OUR Constitution, it does not legally exist, nor can an act of Parliament give it lawful existence. 9. In 1964, the committee (Federal Parliament) and the States entered into an agreement to remove the lawful imperial currency in the Commonwealth and replace it with decimal promissory notes. There was no referendum on this and no enactment. It was done through an agreement between the Prime Ministers, Premiers and associated persons of each state. The imperial currency always carries a picture of the queen wearing a crown - hence the Crown. That indicates that each coin or note has a collatoral value held to the land ownership of the Crown. The decimal coins and notes originally had the same Crowned head and were currency of the Commonwealth of Australia. Within a couple of years they were currency of Australia and by 1973, the head of the queen, if on the coins or notes at all, wore no Crown. Therefore they became promissory notes only as they held no head of power and therefore no collatoral. In effect, these promissory notes were internal currency particular to Australia, belonging specifically to the bodies who created the original agreement, with no value outside Australia and no value inside the Commonwealth of Australia. A promissory note is a promise to pay, much like a cheque or an IOU. All superannuation funds and savings accounts hold Australian promissory notes only. Interest paid to any govt on those promissory notes is a form of rent, as the notes belong to the govt, not the Crown or the People. 10. At the same time all other trading actions were moved from imperial to decimal, without a referendum or lawfully enacted legislation. Therefore decimal was an action ONLY of the committee without the permission of the shareholders. 11. In 1972, the Whitlam govt was elected in a constitutionally valid election under the 1923 Electoral Act, wherein shareholders over the age of 21 exercising their voting rights. 12. By 31st December, he had orchestrated a private takeover of Australia. He did that with the help of willing politicians from both sides, the governor-general, the High Court justices and senior public officials. He started his own private corporation to be known as the Australian Government Their monarch, the Queen of Australia does NOT wear the Crown of our corporation. Their seal, the kangaroo and the emu, is NOT recognized by law in our corporation. They have NO articles of incorporation as they are an unincorporated body. 13. This new private corporation held absolutely no assets. However, its purpose was to benefit from the assets of the people, so it required that the people be deceived into thinking that this govt was lawful. Because this Whitlam was the head of OUR committee, this move into assuming a pseudo control of the assets of the people for his & his mates personal benefit was fraud and larcenous to the extreme. 14. In order to protect his new corporation from answering to the Laws of the Land, he simply laid OUR corporation, its laws, its Crown, its courts, its jurisdiction of common law - to the side. He made no changes to it - just stopped using it. 15. All OUR acts were now copied under his new corporation and sealed under his new seal. In order to takeover the courts, he simply began paying the public servants and the judiciary through his Australian Govt using the promissory notes that belonged to the HIS shareholders. All the judges now received their pensions from the Aust Govt. The public servants were being paid a much better wage by working for the Aust Govt. 16. In order to both diminish our savings (have no real value remember), encourage us to demand better wages (thereby circulating more of their rented promissory notes) and to begin to undermine the country without our clear understanding - he got rid of tarrifs on imports and flooded Aust with all these exciting new products at cheaper prices, got banks to begin to offer easy money in order to enjoy those exciting new products but which also meant the people began to demand better wages, costing Aust businesses firstly and etc. In other words - so we did not complain - he bought us out. 17. In order to remove the Law of the Land from our use - he had to get rid of all living people, as OUR corporation was a corporation created by living people and run for living people - ALL held to common & canon law and common law in equity. He created the Submerged Lands & Seas Act 1973, covering Australia in a mythical layer of water by extending the sea boundaries inland. That allowed for maritime law to cover the land legislatively. At sea, living men and women do not exist - all is cargo under insurance. The Cest Que Vie Act 1666 allows for a person missing at sea to have their assets held in trust for 7 years before declaring them dead and distributing the assets. The Aust Govt were able to lose you and I at sea and hold our assets indefinitely as the trustees. 18. This private corporation of Whitlam and Co had no assets, so in order to seize ours as their collatoral for borrowing, they required us to appear to lose them. Remember that our system of trading operates under Imperial measurements, the Whitlam trading corp operated under decimal measurements, so our land became converted to hectares and etc on the sea overly. In other words, he claimed ownership of the pretend water, to the actual dimensions of your property but in decimal definitions, so he could borrow against it. Now stop and have a think here. Draw a line on paper representing the land. Above it all put a wavy line to represent the sea that now fraudulently covered your land. You are still on the land - drowning and lost under this fictional sea. Whitlam is the current Crown ON the sea, sailing along, claiming your drowned assets in trust until you are found. Which of course, they never expected to happen. (They thought we were that dumb.) 19. But they still have to deal with the You that didnt know you were lost. So the legislation, having removed YOU from its writings, also removed the living God and the living queen, so in effect, the statutory legislation of the Aust Govt could only deal with things of no life - hence all the neutral gender language. It found itself in the very strange position of wanting you dead for legislative purposes and needing you alive to mine the wealth of the land to feed its addiction for the assets of the Commonwealth and your personal accumulation of assets. Why? 20. Because the more wealth they accumulated in this fraudulent manner, the more they could borrow internationally. So these criminals, in their private corporation use OUR assets to borrow real money from other countries. They keep that real money. The only money used internally in Aust is the promissory notes, which we people are expected to repay in real terms - with both our sweat equity and the current sale of our Cth assets. In other words, these people are gutting our country in a form of corporate raid and will disappear the moment we run out of assets. 21. By removing life, the Aust Govt did not have to answer to common law, human rights or any other living lawful protection as is particularly seen in the Smart Meter issue in Victoria, the policing crimes in QLD, the green takeover of private land in Tas & WA. As you and I are simply now a piece of cargo, I personally believe the system operates through insurance. There are a growing number of cases wherein the police have refused to involve themselves in a common law case, stating it is now civil law and requires a lawyer. 22. Most importantly, by removing life, the Aust Govt did not have to answer to you and I legislatively. The only people that count in ANY corporation are the share-holders and as you and I are not shareholders in that corporation, we own no shares in it and have no vote. Oh, we have the appearance of a vote - but all Aust Govt elections are held to the 1918 Electoral Act for people of 18. Are you 18? Is your corporation recognized in the 1918 act under the Aust Govts seal? Then why do you think your vote counts except to uphold the deception? 23. If you have no vote, then you have no voice, you cannot be heard. The Aust Govt can make any and all legislation without any concern as to your safety or harm, but with all focus on the return of wealth to them. 24. In the court system, the judge does NOT have to read evidence, but only comments that have been stated under oath - which means you are now contracted to the court and have agreed unknowingly to waive your common law rights. The judge no longer signs the order as a signature is the action of a living man and binds him back to OUR common law. He instead offers an opinion as to deciding the issue and your agreement binds you to that decision. In the event you do not agree, I believe the insurance requirements are not fulfilled and they attempt to enforce and compel you to comply. 25. Where does their problem lie? Despite this fraud and deception, each one of them is still a man or woman and are held to the Supreme Law of this Land - OUR rules-book and common law. An entity holds no life, but the moment an entity signs their name or performs an activity, they establish they are living. Every person working for the Aust Govt has been deceived too, because they will have to answer for their actions at some date. And making the statement that they were just doing their job will not protect them. The private corporation Whitlam & Co created has acted to apparently protect these people by removing OUR courts and legislatively protecting their workers from us, but as that corporation has absolutely NO real authority, is paying them in absolutely NO real money, is using them just as us as collatoral - it should be clear that each of these men and women are not protected in real terms - just while the pretence can stand. 26. Which is why David Walter has placed a class-action before the International Court of Justice and Human Rights. In that court, common & canon law and common law in equity have a jurisdictional home. In that court, your human rights as held to the Charter of the United Nations, is upheld and honoured. It is the ONLY court we can find left to give us a remedy. That court can not punish the Australian Government, but it can punish the men and women who are operating it. Who give it reality. Each and every one of those men and women are on the brink of personal disaster. We, the men and women of the Commonwealth of Australia are standing on the edge of victory. In the very first paragraph of OUR rules-book, OUR Constitution - it says ...humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God... The second last paragraph ends with So help me God! While the last paragraph states ...according to law. All law in our Commonwealtth binds back to God, the beginning and the end of our Constitution. (Exodus 12:49 One law shall be for the native-born and for the stranger that dwells among you) These criminals have removed God from their statutory legislation, their courts and their actions. By doing so they have removed the Law of the Land. By removing the Law of the Land they have removed our remedy for justice. Bad move.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:25:47 +0000

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