How can anyone claim with pride their love for those who: Vote - TopicsExpress


How can anyone claim with pride their love for those who: Vote for the 40th time to repeal the health care reform law Strip the EPA of authority to regulate greenhouse gas Reduce emission standards for coal burning plants (they like having people breath coal dust) Pass resolutions “denouncing a carbon tax’, which we don’t have John Boehner & Mitch McConnell they love “coal” They have slashed the EPA budget by $3 billion Cut 27% from the US Fish and Game Cut the National Parks Service budget Reduced spending on Clean Water by 83% Eliminate the Land & Water Conservation Fund – in which off-shore oil revenues is used to protect endangered habitat and recreation lands Declared Climate Change to be a “hoax” They continue to shout that Big Coal and Big Oil, if regulated, will cost 1000s of jobs, their mantra from the Tea Baggers – which is case of the tail wagging the elephant How can you?
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:32:30 +0000

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