How can you re-invent your life if the original version wont leave - TopicsExpress


How can you re-invent your life if the original version wont leave you alone? Folks a lot of what I write here is a result of self talk about things that i go through on any given day and bi-golly Im gonna make the best of what God brings to this mind if it helps anyone including myself !!!!LOL I was ridding the bus this morning and i was thinking about the question above. It is a question that has hammered my life over and over and over and even in the present can hammer me . You see a lot of it is just old tapes that the devil just loves to replay in our heads and if you have come from a place or life experience where everything has felt like a personal attack or an insult to you , and you have fallen into a cycle where this is the only way you have ever been able to process it or see it, then you know what im talking about when you find yourself asking the question How do i reinvent my life when the original version wont leave me alone? The wounds of early childhood are so very deep and powerful that unfortunately they carry a lot of wreckage and residue with them through your entire life and if you were like i was, there was no where to go to help you deal with them, and they are that unfortunate gift that keeps on giving. It invades every area of your life from personal to public. It touches everything you touch , and just when you think you might have a bit of a hold on it, the bile of all of the un-dealt with pain rears its ugly head in or at the most crucial times in your life rendering you helpless and feeling hopeless like there will be no end to it. UGH! So where do we start? Well the best I can figure is at ground zero!.....One day at a time , one moment at a time and in some cases on some days its down to one minute at a time. We have to change how we see things and what are the most important to focus on. Because if we continue to focus on the negatives instead of what is important and useful we will just continue to take everything that happens in our lives [important or not] as a direct hit and continue to internalize every little thing that comes our way and continue that cycle of self abuse [which is exactly what the Devil intends for us to do]. It robs us of the joy that the Lord wants us to have in life because we are so pain conscience and so wracked with bitterness and un-forgiveness not just with other people but with ourselves [primarily] because we keep failing to find the good and the positive ways of seeing ourselves. It reminds me of something Pastor Dwayne Deskins once said at a Mens breakfast. He said that if we see ourselves any less valuable or in any other way than the Lord sees us , thats what is called Pride [I do believe that has to be true] because God is not defeated by what he sees in us , why on earth should we be defeated by what God sees and has created us to be? The Devil is a master at Identity theft you better believe if he can steal our Identity he will absolutely do so and in doing so he can steal our destiny from us. I dont know about you but I am really pissed off about the thought of that continuing in my life. Jesus didnt do what he did on that cross so you and i could live in bondage to the greatest looser of all time! We have got to snap out of it [seriously] it is an insult to God and to our Lord to even think consciously or not that shedding his own blood and suffering was not enough, and the price he paid was a few dollars short of the cost of freedom!? common....are you feeling me here? We gotta start speaking right things here instead of wrong things and my Bible says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that I am the righteousness of God himself in Christ! That means all of us all of the time, up or down , right or wrong in any given moment. Before anything i can see or have a chance to feel He is I am. Thoughts and feeling come and go like visitors and before and after all of them he still is the I am . Going back to ground zero and he still is I am We have to start putting one victory at a time under our belts and if that comes with 2 or 3 or 4 failures running along side it then we need to see them as visitors also because on the way to the top there are always hurdles and not all of them get cleared the first time around and failure does not have anything to do with Identity. We need to separate [divine fact] which is that we are MORE THAN conquerors AND can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, NOTHING can separate us from the Love of God [not even failure], and choose to believe that long before we choose to believe anything less [which is the ultimate goal of our adversary] who I might add was defeated a very long time ago. Hes just a very good actor and wants us to think he is the winning vote.!!! Thoughts and feeling come and go like visitors and before and after all of them he still is the I am . We have to start counting the Victories not the failure or the missing the marks God didnt let his son die on a cross and take sin deserved so he could be a bean counter So we have no business counting the beans either. Count the Victories that have already been won and continue to be put the failures in their rightful place [ the pit] and move on with the Victories we have under our belts . We are winners not losers! Not because of anything we have or can do but because of what he has already done ! Its just a matter of deciding whether or not we want to walk the Victory walk or talk the loosing talk!? We dont have to re-invent anything . We were invented long before the foundations of this earth! Meticulously, patiently, lovingly, fearfully, wonderfully, individually ,uniquely, One of a kind Theres nobody else like me and there is nobody else like you ever before or ever again! The most kind and honorable thing you and i could possibly do is to live and to be the Miraculous creations that we are.! There is no need for re-invention here its about a Gods Eye View Everything always looks better from above! Shalom
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:56:24 +0000

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