How can you shift things around in your life to bring more joy and - TopicsExpress


How can you shift things around in your life to bring more joy and happiness your way? Well, its a choice... yes, a choice. Which by the way, making a choice is quite simple, but not necessarily so easy to execute on. But I know you can do it!! Let me start with a few questions for you: Does it drive you bananas when someone views something not-so-good from a positive light? Do you get frustrated wondering how and why they are always seeing the bright side? Do you feel that they are living in the clouds and not facing the reality of their situation? Does it make your blood boil to know that someone can take something that isnt even remotely close to being positive or being a blessing or being a gift, and turn it around for the better? Does it make your skin crawl that someone can actually forgive another person for something that couldnt possibly be forgiven? Im asking these questions because most of us in this world can answer yes to the above questions (at some point). Its hard to take the reality of a painful situation or challenge and turn it around for the better. But each and every one of us has the power and the ability (‘the choice’) to do this very thing. For me, I have learned over the years, that it feels good to choose to come from a positive, uplifting, beautiful life perspective. For others, you may have chosen to come from a more cynical, or negative-based perspective. This can be based on fear, doubts, anger, resentment, etc., but nonetheless its based on something that isnt necessarily a feel-good item. After all, if youve had your share of experiences that dont feel good, how in the hell could you possibly look at things positively (especially when you may know only pain)?! I get it. Truly I do, but again its a choice. One stinkin’, plain and simple choice - that YOU can make at any time of the day or night, anywhere, and for any reason you want. The fact that you may know only pain, is the perfect reason to ‘shift your thought process’ to try something new – like embracing the experience and looking forward to the blessing within it. With that said, if youre comfortable with the choices that youve made and how you feel in life, thats absolutely 100% fantastic. Truly it is. You see, there is no right or wrong here, period! Im sharing my perspective and sharing the perspective of others as well. And its up to you to decide what feels right to you. For me, it doesnt feel right to look at things from a place of negative emotions (at least not for a long period of time). It doesnt feel right to look at things from a place that brings darkness. It just doesnt feel good to me to do that. So I make the choice to look at things the other way. And, yes, this could very well appear to others as though I just havent had the painful experiences that others have had. And that could be true or not. Pain is relative; and it doesnt matter whose situation is worse. What matters is YOU and YOUR pain and how to turn it around for YOU. I know that when I come from a place of love and positivity, I receive more of the same in return which enables me to embrace the experience and continue forward feeling better. So I challenge you to try it out. I guarantee you that when you face a challenge or painful experience from a positive, loving, open perspective, you will indeed receive something that feels much better than if you were to come at it from a place of anger or resentment or judgment. Believe me Im speaking from experience. Ive spent many years of my life responding to things negatively, or from a judgmental perspective, or even from the jealousy perspective, and this did absolutely nothing for me. Nothing!! Except it made me crazy. It made me doubt myself. It made me think that I couldnt do much with myself or my life. It drove me nuts! But when I did start to approach things from a more positive, loving perspective, it lifted my heart. It opened my eyes and my heart to a new world of beauty. It helped me to realize that there is good reason for the so-called pain in which I may be feeling. It made me realize that everything is happening to help me grow and become a better person. It helped me understand that there is a better way to make it through lifes challenges and the sun can shine the entire time. And wow, why wouldnt I want that for myself, right?! So once again I challenge you to take a look at how you respond and react to situations in life. I challenge you to let go of the past experiences that have tainted you. I challenge you to shift your thought process and be fresh in how you address and look at todays experience. Its a blank canvas - one for you to paint with the colors that make your heart smile!! :) Many blessings and hugs! :)
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:33:26 +0000

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