How did Jesus care for people? He focused on the person standing - TopicsExpress


How did Jesus care for people? He focused on the person standing in front of Him at the time. ----- When I look deeper at the life of Christ, I also notice that there is no indication He worked twenty-hour ministry days. He went to sleep each night without having healed every disease in Israel – and He apparently slept well. Neither did He minister to everybody who needed it. Neither did He visit or teach everybody who needed it. There were many needs that he simply chose not to meet. Even when Lazarus became sick, Jesus was shockingly slow to mobilize. I would have had a helicopter there in twenty minutes. But Jesus delayed for two days. Is this to imply that He was lazy or didn’t care? Of course not. But it is to imply that He understood what it meant to be human.” ---page 13, THE OVERLOAD SYNDROME, by Richard A. Swenson, M.D. Biblical Thought: “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed” Jesus as quoted in John 10:10 (THE MESSAGE) My Thought: I pray it could be said that I’d be among the last of people to encourage you to NOT work hard at making this world a better place. Yes,…we all are created to contribute to the betterment of our community, and we would be wrong not to be actively involved in using our gifts and skills to make life the best it can be for others as well as for ourselves. But,…we need balance in our lives. When is enough enough? When will we realize that we can’t do all things for all people? When will we focus on quality of work rather than quantity of work? Granted this is an individual decision that each must make. Having said that, let me add that we can only make such decisions wisely if we ask God to guide us. So, when can we say we’ve pasted by productivity and entered into overload? God only knows. And that’s why we need to look at Him, and to Him for the guidance we so desperately need in these matters. If Jesus can take a break so can we. While you’re on your break ask yourself some simple questions: How are your relationships at home? How is your health holding up? How well do you really like the person you’ve become? These are a few of the type questions that we need to pause and ask ourselves routinely. If you’re not satisfied with the answers you need to make whatever changes are needed to ensure that you’re moving progressively toward “a better life than you ever dreamed” possible. -Lee Vail
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 08:54:30 +0000

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