How many think Christie would be burning in effigy on the - TopicsExpress


How many think Christie would be burning in effigy on the statehouse front lawn with a 16+% effective tax increase over the term of his governorship if the average New Jersey voter had even the slightest clue about what is happening beyond this guys bully-antics and completely fabricated stats. His supporters claim he is the Messiah of leadership and shout it from the mountaintops, buy blowing smoke doesnt make them right, it just shows thve been inhaling the Dope that Christie has been rolling for far too long. The guy is a bully, an ethical failure and a leadership debacle. Christie is everything that is wrong with NJ. He took storm relief money to the tune of over 20 MILLION dollars to put together a thinly veiled election campaign ad called Stronger than the Storm while so many families STILL remain displaced after a whole year. Then he spends another 20+Million dollars to run 2 elections less than 30 days apart JUST to split the turnout in his favor. Oh, and not only did he set up a second election less than 30 days from the states main election, he holds it on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month even though, from childhood, every student of American Civics was taught and ingrained with the understanding that elections are held on the FIRST TUESDAY of November. Christie is a con-artist, a liar and an embarrassment to the state.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 06:06:04 +0000

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