How nice it is to live in American this day and age. The Chamber - TopicsExpress


How nice it is to live in American this day and age. The Chamber of Commerce is busy feeding money to both republicans and democrats t get an immigration bill passed that favors the illegals because the Chamber wants cheap labor for the DOW 30, Fortune 500, and NASDAQ businesses trade on the stock exchanges. Screw the so called main street businesses who are not big enough to sell shares on the exchanges. Speaker Boehner keeps trying to push through bills that favor the Chamber of Commerce dreams of an endless supply of cheap illegal labor and Speaker Boehner keeps getting stopped by those pesky Tea Party backed representatives. What on earth is Weepy Eyed Boehner to do in a situation like this where he has a bunch of Tea Party republican representatives who actually back middle class values? The solution seems so simple for those elite old time republicans. Get the Karl Rove bandwagon out rolling and get all those big business money people on the same page, spend a few billion, and stop those pesky Tea Party backed candidates from seeing the light of day! You just cant have a constitutional republic function worth a crap when you got 70 or so pols who actually care about middle class values, listen to the majority of Americans, want the borders closed, and some sense of sanity restored to our failing nation. It would appear that our republican national leaders learned a lot from the 2010 and 2012 elections. They are prepared to campaign against anyone outside the old boy network and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I am oh so fricking optimistic about the upcoming November elections. I fear I shall cast my ballot in vain yet again.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:47:54 +0000

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