How often do we stop ourselves? Want to speakout, to share, but - TopicsExpress


How often do we stop ourselves? Want to speakout, to share, but then over analyse and judge ourselves, compare ourselves to others and then dont take action. Yes, I am speaking from experience. As well as running workshops to help people connect to their creative self I also want to share with you my thoughts and insights. Yet there has been a voice in my head that says “Who do you think you are, thinking that you have all the answers and that people even want to hear what you have to say?” Wow, that voice tends to stop me rather quickly! Well not today! Which leads me on to the fact that I do not have all the answers and never said I did. Eventhough I used to think I did! Ha ha! I used to look for the answers everywhere. To find what I felt was missing attending courses, reading books, asking family and friends what they thought. Which only over filled my ever full head! I had learnt a lot and yet a lot of what I learnt was held in my head, the theory. To really know it and live from that place I needed to experience it in my heart. I stopped asking others for their opinions and looking outside myself for the answers and started trusting my intuition, following what felt right for me. Recently I felt deep in my heart, what had been theory for many years. We are all Whole, Complete and Perfect, right now. I physically felt it this truth which filled my body with loving energy, like being given a hug from the inside. You and I are not broken, therefore dont need fixing. We can carry a lot of stuff that stops us from knowing and feeling that truth. Here is some of my stuff! I was waiting to start my business when I was sorted. I deemed sorted and perfect as when I was able to go through every day on a level; always centred, calm/peaceful, full of energy and with an open heart. However I am a sensitive human being and am not yet enlightened! I struggle some days, I am challenged others, I am full of joy and excitement the next and relaxed and calm on the days in between. There is time for others, time for my business and time for myself that I am learning how to manage and balance! This is me. I am no different from anyone else. I am also a talented artist (thank you universe!) and I am able to hold the space in my workshops to inspire others to meet their creative self, connecting to their true nature and have some fun in the process! And I can do this because I am who I am right now. Whole, complete and perfect; the light, the dark, the open heart; the give to others and the come back and give to myself, the strong emotions, my inner critic, feeling fear, my playful child, feeling joy and all in between. Imagine if we could live all the time from our loving Heart Space. What have you been wanting to do, but stopped yourself? Now you know that you are already Whole, Complete and Perfect, what will you do? Are you willing to take that step? I would love to know!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:35:42 +0000

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