How often do you feel stressed? For some people its not very often - TopicsExpress


How often do you feel stressed? For some people its not very often try can just turn a blind eye to stress and not worry. Others feel its effects everyday. Stress isnt good for you, its make your muscles sore, you get more acne on your body, and it makes you feel more tired. We dont want any of that, but then why do we stress ourselves out. Why do we let ourselves get stressed. We get stressed over a lot of things: school, relationships, the future and many other things. But at the root of most of these things is where the stress comes from. With each one of these stressors there is some sort of expectation. With school were constantly told that our grades will affect our entire lives. Thats pretty big expectations for us to do well. In relationships we expect certain things from our partner or friend or family and in turn they expect certain things from us. We all are expected to be successful in life in some form. Either by self-expectation, or some external force like our parents or teachers or friends. All this expectation is what makes us stressed out. Most of us expect something out of each day and often it has to do with other people. No matter what kind of person you are you feel some sort of expectation on you or from you each day. We go around and we expect no one to suddenly go crazy and bash our heads in. Thats a pretty big extreme but its true. We have these expectations laid on us and in turn we out expectations on other people. In school there a thousands of other kids around us each day. That makes for a whole lot of competition. And competition in basically the guy in front of you expecting you to do better, dating you to do better. You may think the people at the top of social chain have it easy, no in front of them expecting them to do better. But inversely they have everyone below them expecting them to be the best. Its hard to deal with these expectations around you. If you have the nerd friend who is a natural at mental math and can do insane calculations in his head its hard not to feel slightly inferior and so you out an expectation on yourself to do better. They cant change who they are, maybe not try to rub it in but its to you to stop expecting the impossible from yourself. Were all talented but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree then itll never believe its talented. Everyone is good at something. Whether youre good at dancing, or singing, or school, or just being an awesome friend youre talented. Stop looking at the scoreboard for your competition, look only inside yourself. The only person who can out expectation on you is yourself, you accept the expectation of others as your own and start putting more expectation on yourself. But at the end of the day its your life and youre the one thats get to live it. Do what you want to do and dont let other people make you think worse or better of yourself. Once you do this your stress will lift off your shoulders and youll feel so free. Who cares if you havent had your first kiss yet? Who cares if you have two left feet? Who cares if youre not popular? The answer to all those questions is everyone. Everyone cares about what you do but the only person who matters is yourself and your one expectations do yourself. Dont let other lie your life for you, they dont know how to. Dont try to be a copy and love up to anothers expectations, be your true beautiful self and live up to whatever expectations you want.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 01:40:44 +0000

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