How often do you guys try to set a timer for peoples moods? Like, - TopicsExpress


How often do you guys try to set a timer for peoples moods? Like, for instance, when I was a kid, and I needed to ask my mother a favor, I tried to time my question at a time when she was looking through the kitchen cupboards. The chances she would say yes to my favor are much better than if I asked her while shes looking through mail or sitting down watching her soap operas, probably because bills make her feel overwhelmed and soap operas get her so relaxed that she doesnt want to get back up for anything. My mother almost never says no to me, but if she does, its usually because I asked at one of those bad times. For most people, like my brother, a mood stimulant for them isnt a time period, but a food or substance. Just buy them this food or substance, and they suddenly get much more generous. One of the biggest reasons Keith is my best friend is because the guy is one of those rare people with no mood. He is moodless. Its crazy. At any time, I can ask him a favor, and as long as he isnt busy helping someone else with a favor, he will do my favor, like a fireman whos ready to run to a firetruck at any moment in like 60 seconds flat. I consider myself a nice person, but even Im not moodless like he is. There are times when I plain just dont want to do things for people. Furthermore, there are things that get me into crazy moods. Probably my craziest mood stimulant is the movie Titanic. After I watch the movie Titanic, I get in such a generous and caring mood, that I end up doing something really stupid that I end up regretting. In a way, that movie has cost me over hundreds of dollars and many awkward moments that I would rather not elaborate on. It pulls my heartstrings that much. I have become very cautious about when I watch that God damn movie. I try to only watch it when I know Im gonna be alone for the next couple of days, so I avoid being extremely nice to the first person I bump into. Problem is, when Im flipping through channels and I run into Titanic, I simply have to drop everything Im doing, and I waste the next 3 hours of my day watching it. Then I really have no choice but to avoid everyone for the next 3 days or risk giving free money to someone I really dont even like that much.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:36:06 +0000

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