How the hell is the US government gonna call Bradley Manning and - TopicsExpress


How the hell is the US government gonna call Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden criminals? This is like a mass murderer admonishing a thief. America has 500 YEARS of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and human rights violations! Genocide against the indigenous peoples and theft of their land, enslavement of Africans and systemic and continued discrimination against their descendants, Manifest Destiny, stealing Hawaii, Wounded Knee, Trail of Tears, Jim Crow segregation, convict leasing, KKK, lynchings, Rosewood, assimilation, homophobia, mass incarceration, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, trying to kill Castro, killing Patrice Lamumba, My Lai massacre, Agent Orange, mining the harbor of Nicaragua in the 80s, invading Grenada, Haiti, Bosnia, Iraq, Abu Ghraib, rendition, the Patriot Act, NSA surveillance, Blackwater, mass incarceration of people of color, police brutality! I can go on and on. When will America, the self-proclaimed "land of the free," be brought before the World Court and charged with 500 years of crimes? When will America end the injustices it commits? When will America give full reparations to the victims of those crimes and the descendants of the victims? When will America imperialism end? #500yearsofamericanhypocrisy
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:37:28 +0000

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