How to Be Grounded in God By Jafree Ozwald - TopicsExpress


How to Be Grounded in God By Jafree Ozwald EnlightenedBeings What is God? The Source of God is the foundation of your very being. It is your essential essence, your true life force and the very fabric of your soul. When you can fully relax inside yourself, you create room to fully connect with this Divine Source from which every life experience is emanating from. The deeper you can let go and rest into your body and mind, the deeper you dive down the rabbit hole, discovering that this experience of God is the foundational truth of who and what you really are. When you fully realize that God exists inside you, there is a feeling of deep relief like nothing youve ever experienced in your entire life. Its as if you were holding your breath under water all this time and have exploded up to the surface for your first breath of air. You feel like you can take in life in its totality, with such a great lightness and buoyancy, that you often feel like youre floating on air. To lift your consciousness is to ground it deeply. To do this all that is needed is the state of surrender. To completely surrender means you are not only willing to let go of your mind and every thought inside your mind, yet that willingness is also relieved of its duty. You have completely let go! Now this is a continual process, a perpetual release everyday, where you no longer are holding on tight to anything. Your egos desires move to the back burner of the stove of your life, and you trust the synchronistic flow of the Universe instead. Trust takes the front burner over desire, and you choose to surrender to each experience, not because you have to, but because it feels soooo good! There is this constant merging with what is feels lighter and more free on the inside. From this place, whatever you want, is what God wants. Your will becomes Gods will, and Gods will becomes your will. You become grounded in the divine reality. This grounded enlightened state only happens through total continuous state of surrender. Surrender gives you the eyes to see God, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine. ~Osho So the big question I invite you to ask yourself today is, What causes you NOT to be grounded in God? What choices are you making that arent allowing you to enjoy your life, relax into your body, and trust the divine. This is a unique and personal answer for everyone, yet theres a 99% chance it has something to do with being wrapped up in attachment to desire. Attachment to any one desire is what makes you think youre separate from God. Being deep in desire makes you think you need to go some place better, have more money and things, become a better person, all so that you can eventually find happiness, fulfillment and peace later on. Desiring all these things makes you reach, push and lunge out for that carrot, and overlook the God Source that is already within you here now. Desire is tricky thing because we also need desire to keep life alive, flowing and karmically moving. Without desires we would all become sleeping slugs in puddles of warm mud. This may sound nice to some of you, yet honestly how many years can one really enjoy this? The secret to having a great relationship with your desires is trusting that all your wishes are also Gods wishes for you. Know that the Universe is a team player who is on your team, doing everything necessary to manifest your needs at the right time and place. When you truly surrender and trust that the Universe is always working for you and never against you, then you are able to relax fully inside your body and find a deeply grounded experience in the Divine. If you should ever believe that Gods will and your will are different, your ego is playing a game with you. You are never separate from God. You only think you are trapped in a state of difficulty and suffering because there is some idea that you are separate. This is what ego is all about. Ego is simply a tension, an identity, a separate goal orientated mind inside you that is all about serving the little me to attain its personal success and agenda. It has nothing to do with merging with existence. Are you living from your Microcosmic Self or your Macrocosmic Self? Try living from both and see what occurs. Only living from egos needs always leads to future suffering. This is what perpetuates the cycle of needing, having, possessing, wanting and then grasping for more. True surrender is perpetually trusting. Its a deep letting go of the egos ideas about what you want and dont want. When you do let go, you start abiding in the sacred home and heart where God is, and manifesting your desires simply happens and feels like extra icing on the cake. Knowing this is true wisdom, and the source of where real freedom, empowerment, love and lightness will shine through. The apparent presence of the mind is the doorway to awakening. Make peace with the mind in every moment and you will experience total bliss. ~Angela Walker Another great way to be grounded in God is to slow your life waaay down. Walk slower, eat slower, and just do things at 1/2 the speed you normally do them at. People easily miss God when they rush through their day. Rushing through any life experience is like an act of violence against your soul. It means youre attached to the Mind, still chasing after that carrot and overlooking the sweet all loving divine source that is here to be enjoyed at the core of your very being. If youre hurrying to get here and there, you eventually get into the habit of feeling behind, overwhelmed, and never on top of your life. You stop believing in destiny and start beating yourself up about things that should or shouldnt of happened. When you slow down youll notice that every single problem you have is because you are not fully here now grounded in God. When the ego stops pushing you to get to the next experience so that you one day find happiness, youll drop the amnesia of what your life mission really is about. The day you are 100% surrendered to the God Source, all your problems will have faded away and youll see everything is a blessing in disguise. If youd like more support on your journey to self-realization, sign up to receive my Daily Enlightened Messages for your Soul. These enlightening emails will continually point you to go within and teach you how to discover this divine aspect of your being. Each message will liberate you and relieve you from tension you may be carrying, blocking you from resting deeply and knowing yourself as the God Source.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:08:35 +0000

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