How to Win the Game of Law ... There are two (2) kinds of - TopicsExpress


How to Win the Game of Law ... There are two (2) kinds of law! How to Win in Court 866-LAW-EASY ( 866-529-3279 ) Too many good folks believe the law is on their side, but they dont know there are two (2) kinds of law! If you dont know both kinds and how to use them you lose needlessly. Most losers never know why they lost. They blame the judge. They blame the justice system. They blame the party on the other side. They rarely blame themselves for assuming they knew all they needed to know. There are two (2) kinds of law! The first kind is substantive law. Law that determines the outcome of a case based on admissible evidence. The second kind we call procedural law. Rules of court that determine what evidence will be admitted, who gets to talk, what issues will be heard, etc. The rules are easy to learn! Losers rush into court demanding the judge to enforce substantive law in their favor, but they dont know the first thing about the rules of court or how to use them to get their way. Its like holding a winning hand in a game of cards but not knowing how to tactically apply the rules of the game to win. It doesnt matter if you have the law on your side if you dont know how to use the rules of court to win. Those who know how to use the rules tactically do win consistently! Those who dont lose ... consistently! Dont assume you win just because the law is on your side. Imagine three chess players: Player #1 doesnt yet know the rules Player #2 knows how to move the pieces but doesnt know how to move them tactically Player #3 has been playing chess 28 years and not only knows how the pieces move but also how to move them tactically to checkmate his opponents Which are you? Are you like Player #1 who doesnt yet know the rules? If so, you cannot hope to win! Are you like Player #2 who knows the rules but doesnt know how to use them tactically? Would you like to be like Player #3 with 28 years of case-winning experience? Your choice. Do you want to win ... or lose?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:40:41 +0000

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