How to bath a cat Though your cat is equipped to clean - TopicsExpress


How to bath a cat Though your cat is equipped to clean themselves on their own, there are times when they really needs a bath -- whether they gets into something very sticky or dirty, or if their coat feels oily and in need of care. Bathing your kitty without stressing them out can be difficult, but not impossible, if you follow a few key rules. Read on to find out how to have a clean kitty in no time at all.  Getting Ready to Bathe Your Cat Trim your cats nails. Even the calmest of cats may get a little wild once hes covered in water, and he will fight back. To minimise the damage hell cause, you should trim his nails before you give him a bath. Trimming his nails will probably excite him, so try to do this a few hours, or even a day or two, before the bath so he has time to calm down before he takes the plunge.[1] Giving your kitty treats as a reward for getting his nails trimmed will always make him feel better. and will calm them down Brush your cat. You should brush your kitty before you put it into the bath. Do not skip this step. Brushing the kitty well help remove any knots and tangles in the fur, which will be much more difficult to remove once your cat is wet -- not to mention much more painful for him. If your kitty likes getting brushed, then you can use the brush to lure the kitty into the bathtub to make him feel more at home.[2] Sometimes you can even brush your cat as a way to get him distracted enough to allow his nails to be trimmed. This is a great way of killing two birds with one stone. Wear protective clothing. Not only is it important to wash your cat but it is important to be safe from any possible scratches, minor or major. A jumper or a long-sleeved shirt must be worn so that your cat has no bare skin to scratch. If you dont have one, you could wear long-sleeved gloves. It is also a good idea to wear clothing that isnt new. Be careful and gentle when you rub his head and belly. Get the right cat shampoo. You can get kitty shampoo from your vet or local pet store. Check the instructions to see if its right for your cat, and dilute it with water if its necessary. Using regular shampoo can not only dry out your cats skin but can be toxic for your cat. Dont use dog shampoo in a pinch, either. Youre better off just using water than using a product that can harm your cat.[3] Youll also need a wash cloth for massaging the shampoo onto kittys body. Prepare the bathroom. Before you can begin to bathe kitty, youll need to shut the bathroom door to prevent him from escaping. You should also lay down a rubber mat or towel in the tub so your kitty doesnt slip and has more comfortable footing. Additionally, youll need to place some towels on the floor because itll get wet, wet, wet as the kitty puts up a fight.[4] Additionally, have at least two towels on hand for drying kitty when the time comes. You wont have time to run out for anything while your cats in the bath, so youll need to have everything ready in the bath in advance. Prepare the bath. Fill the tub with 4-5 inches of warm water. Try to fill the tub before bringing your cat into the bathroom, since some cats can be unnerved by running water. Fill 2 buckets or ideally 2 plant waterers which allow you to direct the flow of water for rinsing the cat. This is so you dont need to run more water during the bath, which might frighten your cat. If you have a removable shower nozzle, then even better -- in that case, you wont need to fill buckets with water and can use the nozzle throughout the bath.[5] Do not use the shower head or faucet to bathe your kitty. This will make the water pour down too hard and fast and will scare your kitty in no time at all. The bath should be as gentle and soothing as possible and shouldnt feel like a water attack. Make your cat want to bathe. The first thing you should do is tire your kitty out, so he is at his most mellow before he enters the water. This will make him less likely to bite or scratch you or to try to get away. Pick a time when your kitty is at his most calm -- often after he is fed and feels satisfied. If he still acts hyper, play with him as much as you can until hes worn out, not hyped up. Here are some other ways to get your kitty adjusted to the bath before you start bathing him:[6] Play with your cat inside his or her bath with a string, or with some other toy that your cat likes. If you play with your cat in the bath, then your cat will enjoy bathing and want to get in there again to play with you. Make the bath a place where you play with your cat with a certain item (like a mouse on a string or some kind of cat bathing toy). This will inspire your cat to look forward to bathing, instead of fearing it. Bathing Your Cat Maintain control of your cat. Talk to your cat in a calm, quiet voice while washing. And make sure to keep a good grip on the neck or shoulders. Sometimes cats, obviously, will try to get out of the tub. If they prefer to have only two of their feet in the water, face them toward the back of the tub and let them stand on two feet. If youre really having difficulty doing this, you can consider getting a cat harness, as long as it doesnt hurt the kitty. If youre nervous or excited about the process, your kitty will know. Its easier to bathe your cat if there are two people involved, especially if your cat is rather strong and can kick and wriggle its way out of your hands. One person should hold all four legs and hold the cats jaw so it cant bite you. Hold your cat firmly so it cannot wriggle out from your grip, but be sure you dont hold it so tight that it cant breathe. Massage the shampoo onto your cats face. Soak your kitty from the neck down. Use a wash cloth to wet your kittys fur. Use a little bit of shampoo and use the water to wash your cats neck, body, legs, belly and tail. Start from his head and work toward his tail, in the direction of the growth of his fur. Wash the cat in a massaging motion, so he feels soothed, not scared. Act like youre just petting and grooming your cat and that this trip to the bathtub is nothing special. Be sure to not get shampoo in his eyes, nose, mouth, or ears. You may need to hold him gently by his scruff to maintain control over him. Rinse the shampoo from your kitty. Rinse your kitty thoroughly using the wash cloth and the water in the tub. Then, drain the tub and rinse two more times with water from the bucket or warm water from the tap. It is essential that you remove all the soap from the coat. You may have to keep going for even more cycles until you remove all of the shampoo from your kittys fur. If your cat has a long, thick coat, this process will take even longer. Wash your kittys face with water. Washing your cats face with water should do the trick. Theres no need to take the risk of upsetting and hurting your cat by getting shampoo or soap in his eyes. Take a wet wash cloth and gently run it along your kittys face, brushing the fur away from his eyes and nose, until his face, head, and ears are nice and clean.[7] Dont ever force your cats face under water. This is guaranteed to make him panic. Drying Your Cat Blot the water from your cat. Let the water drip from the cat while gently pressing as much water as you can from the fur before you wrap your cat in the towel. Rub gently with one towel. When the first towel gets too wet to be effective, switch to another dry towel. Dont stop until the cat is damp. Try warming the towels in the dryer first, as many cats find this comforting.[8] When you blot the water from your kitty, do it in a gentle motion, as if youre massaging him. Hell feel more comforted this way. Finish drying your cat. Short-haired cats can finish drying themselves in the bathroom as long as theyre away from drafts. They will appreciate a heat source (space heater or warm air vent) and a dry towel to sit on. With long-haired cats, you will have to use a comb and more towels. Long hairs mat more easily when wet, so you may wish to comb the coat until it is completely dry. If your cat is not scared of a hair dryer, you can use a dryer set on warm, not hot to finish drying your cat from a distance. The hot setting on a hair dryer is way too hot for kitty so dont ever use it. You can also gently brush your kittys fur to get rid of any knots or tangles. This can be especially helpful for a long-haired cat. Make sure your kitty is dry before he runs into trouble. If your cat runs off before hes fully tried and trots outside, he can get even more dirty when all of the elements stick easily to his damp fur. Reward your cat. This is a must. If you want your cat to ever want to take a bath again, you must give him a positive association with the process. Give him his favourite wet food, cat nip, or other treats. You can even give him an even more indulgent treat that you save for exceptionally rare occasions. If you associate bathing with receiving delicious treats, your cat will be clamouring for another go in the bathtub in no time at all.[9] You should also praise your kitty by petting him, telling him what a good kitty he is, and giving him lots of attention when the bath is over. Hes likely to feel vulnerable and scared and your affection will make a difference. Alternate Methods for Bathing Your Cat Bathe your cat by dipping him in buckets of water. Use a couple buckets for separate bathing stations, even with cats that have never been bathed before. Have the buckets filled with warm water. Dip the cat in above his neck and using a wash cloth make sure the cat is entirely wet, then soap the cat down. Next, put the cat in another bucket to rinse until soap is gone. Make sure to use warm enough water and to dry your cat thoroughly. This technique can be done outside if the weather is warm and sunny, and if care is taken to prevent the cat from escaping in mid-bath. Bathe your cat in the shower. Recognise that it may be helpful to wash your cat in a shower stall (if you have one with a door, not a curtain). The cat is essentially trapped in the shower without you having to hold on. Make sure the cat has good traction, such as a small towel or rubber mat in the tub, or you will have a panic-stricken cat that is likely to seek safety in height by trying to climb you like a tree. Heres how you do it: Buy a hose adapter for your bathroom sink and a hose long enough to reach over the shower door and back down to the shower floor. Or get a hand-held spray shower and a Y-adapter to connect to your regular shower head. Hose your cat down, lather up, hose down to rinse, then proceed with drying. Use a gentle stream, to saturate the fur thoroughly without terrifying the cat. Keep the water pressure fairly low, so the cat is comfortable. Some cats actually seem to enjoy the massage settings on hand held showers, especially on the back of the neck and down the ridge of the back. Bathe your small kitty in a sink or small tub. Some kitties feel more secure in an enclosed space -- and can also be easier to control in one. If you have a small or scared cat, you can try bathing him in the sink or in a smaller tub within your bathtub -- in a large plastic container that can double as a tub, for example. You can still fell the small tub or sink with a few inches of water, shampoo the kitty, and proceed as usual. This can work with a larger kitty who likes small spaces, too. Tips If you are giving your cat a flea bath, wet the area around its neck first. Fleas will try to escape to the dry areas of the cat, which can mean a mass exodus of fleas to the head and face while you are bathing. A wet neck will keep them off the head, and in contact with the water and flea shampoo.  Cats natural body temperatures are several degrees above a humans, so what feels lukewarm to you will feel uncomfortably cold to a cat. It can be less uncomfortable for a cat if you bathe it in fairly hot water and steam up the bathroom so warm air is circulating. (Imagine if someone suddenly tossed you into a tepid swimming pool. Or how it feels when you finish with your shower and open the door, letting the regular air in. Feels freezing against your wet skin, right?) Let the cat know you are there to help. Keep the cat as calm and not stressed out if possible making a bath easier.  Clean your cat like it was your prized possession.  Brave souls may find it easier to put on old clothing and sit in the tub holding the cat (however the cat typically likes to be held) and letting someone else actually bathe the cat.  If you have a litter box in the same room as you are bathing the cat, remove it! If a cat escapes from the bath it may make a beeline to the litter box and make a huge mess.  When you are washing it make sure you dont just use just normal shampoo it might cause problems for your kitten. Try not to bathe your cat too much in the winter, it may catch a cold.  You can also dust your cat with corn starch instead of bathing. Gently pet the cat to thoroughly rub the corn starch into its fur. Let the cat clean itself with its normal grooming routine. This technique is far less traumatic than using water, and works especially well if the cat is greasy, however, use it for non-toxic dirt only. Do not use this technique if the cat has gotten into something poisonous!  Another method is to place your cat and the bath water in a small plastic dish washing tub (about 12x18 in.). This way, you can more easily control the cat. It is also harder for it to escape. Ive found that never letting my cat escape on its own, and only letting it go when I am done has helped it be calm and cooperative during baths. It also helps to make bath time quick and gentle. You may find it helpful, if you have a cat that is very attached to you and is not scratching but is just scared, to simply take a shower with your animal. Wear a heavy sweatshirt and allow the cat to sit on your chest. The cat will most likely bury its face in your neck and feel calmed. Wash and rinse your cat as normal.  Some cats respond better when you place them in an empty tub and pour water over them.  The earlier you start bathing your cat, the easier it will be. Over time, the cat will grow familiar with the routine. If all else fails, take your cat to a reputable, professional pet groomer or a vet for washing. They have experience and proven techniques to keep the cat calm.  ⁠4 Helpful? 1⁠ By putting a terrycloth towel in the bottom of your kitchen sink, your cat can feel very secure by sinking his/her claws into something that remains steady. By applying light to medium pressure to the cats back and using a calming tone, much of the anxiety is eliminated.  You can also give the cat a bubble bath if you would like.  Simply place your cat in a small bowl or tub. To make it feel comfy, prepare beforehand; play with it there. This will enable the bath to be quick and nice  When you have more time, run a very shallow warm bath (only a centimetre deep to begin with). Pet the cat, and give it a treat if it is food oriented. Continue at this depth until the cat does not panic and try to escape. Repeat daily, until the cat treats it as part of a routine, gradually increasing the depth until it is accepting standing in 4-5 inches of water. As a final step, have someone else reassure the cat while you use your hand to gently make waves in the water. This can take a week, or months depending on the cat, but it is worth the perseverance to know that you can safely bathe your pet when necessary. Dont let the cat outside after the bath when its cold outside like in winter, autumn and sometimes spring. It may catch a cold.  ⁠ The You Tube video How to Wash a Cat, though originally intended for comedy, has a lot of good tips in it. (Note: It says to drop the cat when putting it in the tub. Dont do this as your cat will only become angry.)  Use warm water when rinsing off your cat and scratch his/hers head to make it feel comfortable. An oven rack can be used to give the cat something to hold onto. This reduces the chance of you being scratched and makes the cat feel better.  If your cat has never been into the bathroom before, you might want to get him/her used to the area. Also, if the bathroom has a toilet, keep the toilet seat down at all times! Your cat might jump in to the toilet in a complete panic! 
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 11:02:06 +0000

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