How to have more energy!!!??????? And we’re going to give you - TopicsExpress


How to have more energy!!!??????? And we’re going to give you a big list so hang on!!! Let’s review the most common causes that lead to lack of energy: • Hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormone) is often missed due to inadequate diagnosis. Free T3, Free T4, TSH and reverse T3 tests and TPO antibodies are needed for a full, accurate diagnosis. Then, this becomes quite easy to treat. • Adrenal stress or full adrenal fatigue: This is very commonly missed by non-Anti-aging doctors because, quite frankly, they are not educated about the phenomenon. Symptoms include unrefreshed sleep, varying levels of fatigue during the day, poor sleep quality including, very commonly, several wake-ups during the night. It is usually brought on by preceding or currently occurring physical or emotional stress. Sometimes people self-medicate with extra caffeine and/or energy drinks which will just worsen this condition. It often causes mild depression due to the lack of quality sleep, and as a result, many doctors erroneously treat this condition with anti-depressants. • Depression: A low grade loss of “zest for life” is often associated with loss of “happy neurotransmitters” with aging. Anti-depressants work “somewhat”, but tend to make people feel “numb”, while natural solutions, in our opinion, are always the best. Also, a dirty little secret that we never hear discussed by physicians or pharmaceutical companies is that Anti-depressants progressively inhibits the ability of your own brain to produce neurotransmitters!!! (And we DO cover this in Module 11). • Decreased ATP (cellular energy) production from our cells of respiration (mitochondria) with age. • Poor sleep quality: Trouble with SLEEP Initiation Wake-ups Un-refreshed feeling upon awakening after sleeping 7-8 hours • Decrease in muscle mass: When your doctor clears you to exercise please simply start a walking program until we present you with “Perfect fitness” (module 5) and start to weight train with our methods. The best and easiest walking program is to start as little as 5-10 minutes a day and gradually just work up to 30-45 minutes 5x per week. If you have a great deal of excess weight and walking would hurt your joints, we recommend pool walking or careful use of an elliptical trainer. We have a very easy-to-follow strength training program which is only 15 minutes, 4 days per week coming up on our “Perfect Fitness” Module #5… hang on…OR…just get the Solutions handout and the appropriate e-book and the Gym-in-a-bag and you’ll be all set! (There is a Fitness “click” in the Member’s store…) • Social issues: As a reminder, if you are a caregiver to an elderly parent, are over-worked or worried about several “family matters,” you most likely have “adrenal issues”. If you recall, this is associated with high fasting cortisol levels a great deal of the time. • Your diet: We HOPE that by now, you have adopted at least the basics of the Anti-inflammatory diet such as no processed food, no fast food and limited or no sugar. If you are still eating the “All American Diet,” this in itself will make you have less energy. Please review Module 1 and its associated handouts and Webinar if needed. • One thing we haven’t mentioned is something that is usually obvious to all: excess weight. When you are carting around more pounds than you should, you will tire out quicker. By starting a weight training program and converting your diet to OUR diet for life plan, you will start losing weight, which will pick up your energy. Counting calories is a thing of the past. We will go into this in depth in Module #4 “Mid-life weight gain: how to reverse it and stop it once and for all!” • Hydration: Urine should be clear. Water consumption should be 2x 8 ounce glasses more than half your body weight in pounds, and even more during activity. • Hormonal issues usually show up as energy loss either as “low-T” in men, or peri-menopausal, or menopausal “wake-ups” in women. • Lastly if you have “no identifiable issues” but have been checked by your doctor you fall under the category of “non-identifiable but fixable energy issues”
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:17:17 +0000

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