How to increase your Reading Speed After most of the exams like - TopicsExpress


How to increase your Reading Speed After most of the exams like IBPS, GMAT, GRE, CAT and SAT got online, reading speed became a crucial part in preparation strategy. Today I am going to share amazing skills to speed up your reading speed. Most of the times readers complaints that they could do better if they had more time. You can save lot of time by increasing your reading speed. This would help you not in scoring high in English Language section but also increase your score in all other sections as you will read and understand questions and statements quickly. These techniques will help you build reading skills. So here are the techniques :- This is my favorite technique. In this technique we divide every line into two or three parts. To try this technique read loudly by dividing each line into three parts. Once you feel that you are comfortable in doing that, divide every line into three parts. Never read word by word rather read by group of words. This is my favourite technique. Many friends and followers experienced 60-70% increase in their reading speed and hence their a reasonable impact on their score. I am sure you are understanding what I am saying, try to read this :- Concentrate on first and last character, practising this technique will increase your reading speed manifold. One of the most common mistake that people commit is they try to find meaning of each word whereas it is not required. While reading a comprehension, you can make out meaning of every word throught the central idea and flow of paragraph. The more you understands a language, higher would be your speed. Have you ever noticed your speed while reading a newspaper in your native language. I tested this on more than 20 respondents, average speed was more than 600 words a minute while reading in second language, average speed was less than 250 a minute. Improve your grammar and vocabulary. You dont need to do anything else, this is not a trick rather this is a scientific fact. I recommend you to buy these two book which I refer frequently Word Power Made Easy English grammar by Murphy Practice makes a man perfect. If you start reading newspapers and blogs, you will experience increase in your reading speed as well hold on language. Read newspaper everyday, you may also download newspaper apps on your smartphones. I read Indian Express. I love The Hindu else it is my first choice. I wont give any negative review those silly AD FIRST newspapers. Their main goal is to attract people with graphics and stupid news, whereas these newspapers are filled with ads and paid news. These are one of the top newspapers in India. Divide a line into parts What to learn Concentrate on First and Last alphabet of a Word What to learn Never stop anywhere Improve your Vocabulary and Grammar What to learn Practice more by reading online Blogs and Bewspapers Note - If anyone didnt like then no comments okay # Supari Bhai
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:18:15 +0000

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