How to please your parents - What do you need to do :3 For me , - TopicsExpress


How to please your parents - What do you need to do :3 For me , they are 4 things that we should do please my parents :3 First, I will take care of my parents by many ways such as: I will take them to check health examination in 6 months/ year. Second, I will obey them for example: - When I was child, I will study hard. Dont hang out with my friend after 9PM, pick up my brother at school when they are busy, help them do housework : Try taking a load off their plate by helping vacuum, empty the dishwasher, or even cook dinner a couple nights a week .. - Dont lie to them. - I will find that special someone and will be happy when the grandchildren come. Of course, more than anything most parents are pleased simply to see their children happy. Third, I will share sadness or happiness with them. Even though they may seem busy, parents want to be included in your life. If they feel like you trust them enough to tell them about your friends and what is going on in your life, they will be happier too. when you get mad, talk about the problem in a mature way. Dont just start yelling at your parents. Instead, before you talk to them, think about why I are angry, what happened, and what I guys can do to fix it. Then, tell them that and listen to what they have to say. And Finally, I will make them feel happy such as: listening to and talking with them anywhere, My parents may be very pleased to hear from me. They spend so much time raising you, and now you might be off on my own. It can be the most difficult thing for a parent to let go of their children, and those who seem to disappear only to call once every few months hurt their parents a lot. I should call them regularly and visit if at all possible. Remember their birthdays. Make time for them just as they made time for me. P/s : This topic is very difficult to me, I dont have a good ideas , Please help me check my mistake and recommend that :(
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 06:40:44 +0000

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