How to professionally fire a client 13/09/2013 I got asked this - TopicsExpress


How to professionally fire a client 13/09/2013 I got asked this question the other day “how do you sack a client”? I said that clients can come in many forms, some are considerate, professional and great payers and others can be very difficult. When a client are a burden on your companies resources and because of this bad behavior, your other clients are really starting to suffer, you need to talk to them about being difficult or you may no choice but to cut the cord. There would be a range of reasons as to why you would need to cut the cord like poor communication, non payment of fees and treating your staff poorly. Most of these can be sorted out with a professional conversation however, there will be the rare times they actually can’t. What does your binding contrast stipulate? Before discuss the firing of your client make sure you understand what exactly each party’s obligation are. It would be ideal that you have lived up to your end of the bargain. If not, find out what you currently owe your client. At the same time take some time to figure out what they owe you. It will be important to be armed with the facts so you ensure no loose ends. Offer advice on who could replace you If you are separating with your client due to personal issues or if you just feel another company would be able to put up with the client better than you can, it is respectful to provide a recommendation of another company that can maybe assist them. This shows that you are professional and still care about their needs and the future of the project. If you are firing your client due to non payment or really bad behaviour don’t recommend another supplier because it’s not fair to create a similar problem for another company. Do it in person I may be tempting to fire your client in an email or just over the phone however the best and most professional way to do so is always in person. Simply set up a meeting with your client, state the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the project/product or service. Hold the meeting in a neutral location like a café as people usually won’t make a scene in public setting. The meeting Take the contract, any other evidence of money that is owed to you and all evidence that your client has not lived up to their end of the bargain and all evidence that you have. Be professional, remain calm, be honest, respectful and tell the client exactly what the reasons are. It is professional to give your client an opportunity to explain their side, even if you have already made up your mind. After you have listened to their side, and if you still want out, thank them and talk about next steps as required by the terms and conditions of the contract between yourself and your client. Firing a client is never an easy or wanted process but it is important to have a solid discovery process of weeding out potentially problematic clients in the initial consultation before taking them on in the first place. By having a solid discovery process you will very rarely have to go through this unpleasant process.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 06:05:10 +0000

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