How would you feel if aides to the president of the United States - TopicsExpress


How would you feel if aides to the president of the United States singled you out by name for attack, and if you were featured prominently in the presidents re-election campaign as an enemy of the people? — Obamas Enemies List by Theodore Olson February 1, 2012 Strassel: Obamas Enemies List—Part II First an Obama campaign website called out Romney donor Frank Vandersloot. Next the IRS moved to audit him—and so did the Labor Department. — Wall Street Journal Potomac Watch July 19, 2012 The Obama administration has an enemies list... — Washington Times Editorial May 22, 2013 Are you starting to get the picture? Like Nixon, our Dear Leader and Liar in Chief has an enemies list. Unlike Nixon, he appoints political operatives that understand their job without any communication or prompting directly from him. This provides our Dear Leader and Liar in Chief with plausible deniability or the ability to safely and believably deny any knowledge of an enemies list that may exist because he has deliberately been made unaware of its existence to shield him from any possible responsibility associated through the knowledge of such a list. Producer Gerald Molen tells The Hollywood Reporter the charges are politically motivated. — The Hollywood Reporter post by Paul Bond January 23, 2014 Anyone who saw Dinesh DSouzas “2016: Obama’s America” can understand why he made it to the very top of Obamas Enemies List and how Obamas political appointees just HAPPENED to stumble across the alleged illegal donations ... during the FBI’s routine examination of campaign contributions filed with the FEC during the 2012 election year. The indictment of Dinesh DSouza by the Obama Administration proves Lord Actons reflection that Absolute Power has no place in government because Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely hollywoodreporter/news/2016-obamas-america-filmmaker-indicted-673670
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 01:59:40 +0000

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