Howard 2016 and Beyond August 14, 2013 7-9pm Executive Committee - TopicsExpress


Howard 2016 and Beyond August 14, 2013 7-9pm Executive Committee Conference Call Call participants: Sandi Brown, Mitu Yilma, Christine Curry (recorded notes), Aba Acquaah, Talib Karim, Aaron Holloway Updates on committees: Nonprofit Documentation/Business Plan Development Team - Talib & Aaron -By-laws and Articles of Incorporation have been circulated within the exec. comm. -Seeking to identify people who have expressed interest in begin involved in HU16B group via survey Next steps plan development team: -Mitu will send message to thank respondents and ask for people to get in contact with exec. committee to join one of the teams -Aba will update survey to ask for contact information from respondents who want to join a team -Aaron will circulate a list of issues on the By-laws and Articles of Incorporation for exec. committee to consider and comment on -Talib and Aaron will research other organization with similar purposes at different institutions and present to their findings the group Liaison Team – Christine -One team member has been recruited -Calls made to folks who have address interest in the exec. committee -Meetings with leaders from “groups of interest” will begin early next week Next steps for the liaison team: -Christine will follow up with Dr. Jenkins about rally at HU -Sandi will engage someone on the Alums on the Hill group -Christine, Velma and Sandi will work to engage a parent -Christine will also work to recruit more liaison committee members Engagement/Listening Session Team - Sandra -Plans to help HU16B offer valuable information as a commodity -Beginning at the end of Sept., this team with host calls with 3 dynamic and credible speakers give 10-30 min presentations with Q&A with participants -Topics could include: · Academic rankings: their implications and why is it important to HU? · How do we turn our community into a leading institution for students who don’t qualify from Fin. Aid? · The future of HBCUs HU in particular · Organizations of students in colleges in universities · Violent and major crimes on college and university campuses · Roles and responsibility BOT · Rising tuition costs · Alumni engagement and financial support · Pipeline: middle and high school students and their readiness recruitment admission graduation · Economic development surrounding institutions pros and cons Possible speakers: - Jessica Johnson- HU grad earned $200,000 in financial aid Next steps for Engagement/Listening session team: -Figure out technical logistics of conference calls and webinars where the information can be accessed after the call is through -Sandi will circulate list of possible topics and speakers for the exec. comm. to contribute ideas Social Media Team- Mitu -Facebook fan page is set up everyone is encouraged to “like” the page and invite friend to “like” the page. -HU16B website will launch after all documents are finalized Next Steps for Social Media team -Create a Twitter page and group page on Linked in -Advertise internships for HU students to serve throughout the year - Research possible website platforms - Mitu will work on possible innovative marketing opportunities to engage businesses for possible financial support Roundtable Initial HU16B Survey -Sandi suggests that survey responses complied into a report that we can circulate among the HU community Political engagement What are the lines for engaging in political campaigns? -Sandi believes that we, as a young organization, should proceed with extreme caution and avoid engaging in political campaigns in anyway at this time. -Talib says while HU16B should only post its own events, surveys, comments etc., we should not censor HU relevant info that other people post to our social media outlets that is within the bounds of the disclaimers that are posted on our pages. - Aba said that we should not censor nor encourage political engagement especially until website that gives clear definitions of who we are and what we stand for is up and running. Next Steps for the exec. committee -Each "team" should create and submit a plan that includes financial analysis of the costs to implement plan. Also include what resources you already have to implement the plan. -Committee will investigate whether or not we can use a grant funded survey monkey account - Each exec. comm. member is encouraged to update HU16B workspace in Google docs, especially the “models” tab with organizations that have structures that might interest us. -Next international call proposed for late September, followed by calls in Oct. and Nov. with key speakers - Exec. Committee plans to met bi-weekly on Mondays; next meeting Monday August 26th at 7pm EST Adjournment
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 00:27:50 +0000

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