Howdy Howdy! I just wanted to update you on my last couple - TopicsExpress


Howdy Howdy! I just wanted to update you on my last couple of weeks down here in Tampa. Every day is a blessing and a memory here. I had finally gotten into the routine of things down here, and then my car broke down. When it rains it pours-especially in Florida ha. Mondays we work and then go to worship. Tuesdays are work days and then at night we have fun events planned for us. Wednesdays we go to the beach and practice evangelism. After that we are given the day to do whatever we want; such as going to Universal Studios! Thursdays are work days and at night we have word training. Friday and Saturdays are just days we are able to work as long as we please (any other day we are off at 5). Sunday we go to church and then have campus time later that night. What a time haha. Last Sunday I went to a place called Taco Bus. The name describes it perfectly. Tacos… out of a bus. There isn’t a whole lot of creativity down here besides the way the drivers seem to use their blinkers. I rarely see one used and if it is, it’s on for about 3 miles. My buddy Tyler and I met an arena football player who is staying here at the Mainsail who gave us free tickets to their game! He also is getting us game balls. Rashad Barksdale is the man. Google him. We get to go to another game July 6th to see them play the Spokane Shock. Free sideline seats for a high action game is pretty sweet! Well I guess free is sweet regardless ha. That Wednesday I was able to also go to Universal Studios for free. With our Busch Gardens Employee ID cards we get in for free; another sweet deal. I was able to ride a few rides and go to Harry Potter World which was all such an incredible experience. I also had a little treat there because I was able to see Nathan Boxdorfer who is on the Orlando Project (same concept, different location, please pray for him). I miss that guy! Great guy. Ladies-he is single. Work has been such a blessing too. To be able to come down here to a paradise and work just as much as I would have back home has been such a blessing; especially at a theme park! My tedious schedule and workload this summer has really taught me to make more lordship decisions and to just trust God to take control (Proverbs 3:5-6). In between my missions here, work, Sigma Chi, and RA things, my plate keeps seeming to become more and more full. I am so used to just working through and expecting things to pan out because of my own will, but I wouldn’t even have any of these opportunities without God’s grace through his permissible will. My pride always seems to get in the way of me trusting that my identity is in Christ and that he has our best interest in mind (Psalms 73:26). The verse that I have really been holding close to me this week during my alone time with God has been Philippians 3:13-14 which says “ Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own. But one thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ.” That was a memory verse a few weeks ago and it just hit me how pertinent that verse is. So often we just read or over look verses and don’t see when God has grabbed us by the collar yelling in our face because we don’t want to listen to something we need to know. My prayer to God this week has been for reverence, boldness, humility, patience, and to lead me away from perfunctory. I heard that word this week and was in awe. I recommend looking it up; it’s worth a Google. Thank you all again for your devotion and prayers for me during my time here. All of the kind words and inspiration messages from you all have been so appreciated. I can’t put into words how incredible my time here has been (besides, ironically, this sentence). Miss and love you guys! God bless! –Nik P.S Someone recommended I put my address up in my next letter so someone would send me goodies. Hey, I’ve never been one to deny a good old-fashioned goodie! But foremost, I would love to hear from you all.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 22:07:59 +0000

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