Howdy folks. How you all doing? Oh, Yeh Im doing fine, thanks for - TopicsExpress


Howdy folks. How you all doing? Oh, Yeh Im doing fine, thanks for asking. Havent been to any parties or barbecues lately, ooh bit risky that, ha, never know who you might offend. Just as well I decided to keep my own counsel out here in the wilderness. Anyway, if anyones interested, took up learning the guitar again. Planning a jam session with me pater at Christmas. Who knows, might do open mike night at Bay Horse before I go to Spain. Oh dear, I said Bay Horse because they have an Open mike night, yes I know its mic, Im not disparaging the swordsman or changing my affiliations, oh shit, who have I upset now? Oh well. Im still alive folks, I still dont abuse furry mammals, children or elderly people. I still work hard, pay my way and try to better myself. Oh, I had it confirmed by a specialist that knowing me and speaking to me will not transfer being a twat, yes I know it is a recognised medical condition but, like eating the crusts of bread will give you curly hair, it is in fact just an old wives tale. Regards to you all, John Merrick, I mean Mark.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 19:21:38 +0000

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