However beautiful the strategy, one must occasionally consider the - TopicsExpress


However beautiful the strategy, one must occasionally consider the results. - Sir Winston Churchill Anytime we begin a new exercise program the adaptation to the stimuli occurs at the most rapid rate. After the first 6-12 weeks, according to how effective the program is, the positive adaptations begin to taper off. Most CrossFit programs extend that period out to 16, even 20 weeks. But sooner than later, every program... no matter how varied, reaches its point of diminishing returns. Program jumpers, those who bounce from program to program on a monthly, or ever shorter basis, often hit plateaus. They become frustrated with their lack of results and typically blame the programs they have followed... all the many of them. In reality, this person is on one big, flat plateau. In many cases, the program jumper has been doing CrossFit for good while. They are typically an open gym member who is just doing whatever they like. The downside is, most of us are not objective enough to program for ourselves... we choose the program we like, not the program that gets results. In all cases Ive interviewed, none report having goals in the first place. The selection of their program is based on nothing tangible, but rather, and most often, the result of others. If CrossFit Affiliate XXX team did well last year, then they figure that program, even though it not the one their team did to get to the Games, the program jumper assumes it will work. Four weeks later, their undefined goals not reached they look for another program. So many of the PJs I talk to say they are just having fun. That is very valid and very important to continuing any exercise program. The problem is, fun does not always get results. Muscle ups and handstand walks are fun, but neither are going to get you measurable results in strength, weight loss, or a good placing in a CrossFit competition. For a program to work, you must believe that obtaining your goals is fun. This shift in mindset is what fuels true results. You can even learn to enjoy what you do not enjoy by the sheer will of wanting to achieve... not simply wanting to have fun. The take away: Program jumping is CrossFits indecision, immaturity, lack of discipline, and cluelessness. Get a coach... preferable one with some experience in training and as a bonus, life. Begin with your long term goals and work back to this very moment. The next thing you do may very well drive your success... or ruin all your efforts. S. - Set your goals O. - Optimize your efforts A. - Allocate the necessary R. - Reassess constantly -t.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 15:40:34 +0000

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