Hubris (n) Excessive pride or self-confidence. It has been the - TopicsExpress


Hubris (n) Excessive pride or self-confidence. It has been the dream of the Democratic Party to have socialized medicine. Its been tried many times. This time around, with a democratically controlled congress at the time and Democrat President, they rammed through the ACA more commonly known as Obamacare, without a single Republican vote, and some political sleight of hand that allowed them to say they didnt vote for it prior to elections. Nancy Pelosi was famously quoted as well have to pass it to see whats in it. Recently, the same Democratic Party refused multiple attempts to fund the government to protect their precious socialized medicine from delayed implementation or repeal. Yet here we are a few weeks later, with a delayed implementation, for the exact same reasons - the law is not ready for implementation. It is flawed, ill conceived, wealth redistributing, monstrosity, that the only way it can be financed, is to force you and I to buy coverage we dont need to pay for those who cant afford it. They talk about subsidies - who do you think pay for those? We the people... The last 49% left working and paying taxes. It should be apparent to the most casual of observers, that cant work. Do you relish the thought of a government bureaucrat deciding what health coverage you are required to have? Arent you better suited to gauge that? And the where does it stop? How long before they decide what is the best car for you, what food you need to eat, where you need to live, where you need to work, what you need to do. This health care system is being brought to you by the same folks who ran the post office into the ground, ran up a 16 TRILLION dollar deficit, raped the Social Security fund, and grants themselves exemptions from what we are forced by law to live by. Ill say it again: Hubris (n) Excessive pride or self-confidence.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:09:26 +0000

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