Hughs reflection on the readings for Sunday, December 21, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Hughs reflection on the readings for Sunday, December 21, 2014 The Fourth Sunday of Advent 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12,14,16 Psalm 89:2-5,27,29 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 Mary Ellen and I have a framed print in our study entitled, “Flight into Egypt” by G. Hitchcock. It was a print we saw often in the home of one of our friends long ago which we admired. When we saw it in a store several years ago for sale, there was little time wasted whether or not we should buy it. We felt it gave us an attachment to our friends, who at that time were many miles away. It is strange how God works through simple things. Our home when we returned from Texas had a room right off of the hall which was probably envisioned at one time as a small office or sitting room. We placed our small two seat couch and chair set (our first real furniture purchase as a married couple) in that room and hung the “Flight” over the couch. I ended up using the room for my morning prayer during Advent one year, which led to meditation on the print prominent on the wall in front of me. Mary is pictured riding on a donkey, holding the baby Jesus in her arms and Joseph well behind her, staff in hand, almost blending into the wild flowers except for the fact that he breaks the horizon. I have gazed and prayed using the picture for many years now, wondering what she thought during the journey. The prospect of a long trip to Egypt (on the strength of a dream) must have been daunting. How did she cope with the burden? To me it seemed too much…too hard. Mary looks deep in thought, pondering all the things that have happened to her, yet peaceful. She knew what she accepted was the will of God. The scene has always brought peace to me. My troubles didn’t seem to be as large as hers, especially knowing the rest of the Gospel story, and if Mary could “ponder” with an accepting heart, open to what God had to tell her, so could I. Much of my sense of her and how she carried all things is revealed in the Gospel reading for Sunday. Many experts think that this particular story is one of the few that the Gospel writer heard directly from Mary herself and that makes sense to me. Wouldn’t you have hung on every word she would say if you had the chance? Her simple acceptance gives me an opportunity to look at how I accept those difficult things that I can not grasp…the why’s and “how comes…” that I always want to place in front of God when hard things are ahead or I am burdened with sadness. It tells me where my real heart is and it is generally well ensconced in an effort to protect myself from discomfort or rationalize my way around whatever it is. Mary accepted the Word she received. It didn’t mean she wasn’t puzzled, lost at times, saddened by events or the myriad other emotions which define us as human creations of a loving God. She loved her son as no other human has ever had a chance to do and gives us a model to follow. Can I say, “Be it done to me…” and mean it most of the time? Not really, if I am honest. Yet when I can, and let Jesus know that my trust lies in Him, I find genuine peace and, I think, grace. The print, now in my study, reminds me that I too will have some troubles, but I can follow an example. I can ride to Egypt too, pondering in my heart all the things God has in store for me...and I know they are good. This is the final Sunday in Advent. Contemplate how Mary accepted her calling and think about your own. Pray that you can say, “…let it be done…” God Bless and merry Christmas to you all… Hugh You can find the picture at this link: https://google/search?biw=1280&bih=615&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=flight+into+egypt+HITCHCOCK&oq=flight+into+egypt+HITCHCOCK&gs_l=img.3...51701.59820.0.60214.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 13:34:23 +0000

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