Human Right’s Organisation is a registered voluntary - TopicsExpress



Human Right’s Organisation is a registered voluntary organization, at Bhagalpur in which I am the founder general Secretary. We have amples of classi examples for solving the problem of the mass who used to suffer a lot previously. It safeguards & help the social milieu in many way, when Right to Information act was executed, I studied it deeply and felt that it is related to the fundamental right of every citizen of our nation or any other nation in broader sense . Through the application of Right to Information, I solved the problem of sufferer and down trodden people of our society. It is a real substitute of baisakhi i.e it removes dependency from others, So I made aware the people of our society, the importance of Right to Information and Human Right’s in particular after doing a lot of learning and studied, I established a center which was named as Right to information help centre Bear in mind please, the organization is autonomous and self dependant until, In this centre, I help the people to fill the form and apply under Right to Information in proper way so that the problem facer could get relief soon. In a nutshell, I hope people from beginning to the end to fight for the cause. I have already helped 7500 people approx providing justice to them. Incoming result to came out from my effort. The center does not only help the looser but also provide them training to became independent as well routined and step wise programme is organized by us. Its main goal is to establish a powerful R.T.I activist at pancahyat level. It is my anticipation that 90% of people are not aware of the R.T.I act So, I mate them aware of it. Even the knower 10% of people are not trained enough to get a real benefit from the talked act. It is a well known fact that there is no dearth of law in India but what is hurting all most that people do not know about it and they can not apply them to fight for their right. The only requirement is the participation and sincere effort by the people and law keeper. For this the organization is looking forward to run an effective programme to enable the people to take advantage from Right to Information and Human Right, Its my internal desire, core desire to help the remotest, illiterate inhabitant Indian There must be a planned strategy Laying explosives network (R.T.I) to Break out the silence of dumb Indian citizen. From that day this act is in practice. It is for the eradication of corruption in any govt or public dept. No people got Right to Information as a weapon to attack upon those who demand bribe for any small or big work. Right to Information just like fundamental right has been established to protect the moral of general masses of our society. It is because the relation ship of govt. and agency with the people is like soul and body. Even to get birth or death certificate people depend upon this act. One step more, we have got the right to know the utilization of our peour money to govt. Whether the public benefit policy is smoothly being sailed govt. is working with honesty, and transparency and the public servants (Bureaucratese) are doing their duties properly all came in to ambit of Right to Information act. Due to all these, general people is now in feel good state of mind. They could know the working nature / style of govt. and related officials through it. As a result, the corruption is now under control to a certain extent. It is like oxygen for our democracy which brings responsibility and good governance. It is so because as it controls unwanted secrecy, corruption measure of power and bad management. Along with this public projects and in the functioning of govt’s activities R.T.I is becoming a powerful tools for bringing openness, transparency and the sense of responsibilities. Its due to bad dusting all communities are inflicted with corruption and no country or state can claim to have a control over it. And no govt. can escape from the criticism R.T.I enforcement brought a visible diseases in corruption and the mind set change of the people is encouraging. It is a tragic scenario that the violence and impatence bred the following two situations First, it fails to bring legal and administrative inaction immediately, secondly trouble over the remedy of prevalent corruption. Every people in general is looking forward to R.T.I as a healing panacea of all the ills of our society. It is obviously short sightedness on the part of our thinking procedure. This act might be a means to eradicate corruption. It can only be possible if all the facts of the cruel corruption be addressed in whole not in part. For any constitution educational aspects & preventive measure are also required for the effective execution of the body responsible for it. Till date the focus is only upon the executive body of R.T.I certainly, our R.T.I act is an excellent beginning in its present activities of executive body but it is only one factor as a remedy of corruption. The enforcement of this act has already proved that positive changes can be brought after hammering over corruption Two crore people got success in getting information of long pending complaints, supervision over the functioning of govt. agencies and its auditing. Due to this fact people are now confident enough to take information under the R.T.I activity and to reign over the evils of corruption. It is because of the Right of Information Act only India improved in the scale of corruption perception Index in 2009 with 3.4 point on the scale India is at the 84th place in world, Obviously it is an encouraging indicator for India because in relation to 2000 India improved a lot in 2009. The root of corruption in so deep in our some politicians, bureaucrats and judiciaries that The people in general started loosing its their faith over such systems but R.T.I showed some ray of hope in this difficult and problem ative situations. Now we are observing the effect of R.T.I to reveal the dirt of the relationship among politicians, bureaucrats, contractors and agents who are suppressing the innocent and ignorant people of our society. They have started hiding them selves and their corrupt system is at the verge of breaking. It brought restlessness among the corrupt and wrong doers. In my opinion corruption can be divided into 2 categories, first corruption as cheating, second oppressive corruption. In corruption as a cheat, the officials and corrupt social powerful people encouraged briberyWhile oppressive corruption took bribe from the people for the issuance of birth certificate, Ration card etc. Giver of the bribe has been badly exploited by the officials to fight against this one, There is a need of wide spread awareness of R.T.I among the masses of our society. Both the parties who are involved in oppressive corruption must be punished. For it there is a need of provision from the govt. Conclusion : - R.T.I is a real stepping stones for the eradication of corruption. It is small in nature but a very effective beginning which will certainly bring a change in social cultural economical and political domain. Let us wait for it. In the time to came we shall really be grateful to R.T.I as it has started functioning with real determination. I have hope that the public will preserve this hard earned privilege Right to information act and will proceed further to get their fundamental right secured added to preservation of Human Right. At first it appears to be in effective, but just use it once in your life to see its power by yourself. I have got a quite encouraging result after using it personally. A small activity is more valuable than an ideal imagination.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:10:54 +0000

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