Humanity evolution its myth: Then Technology Today I intend to - TopicsExpress


Humanity evolution its myth: Then Technology Today I intend to touch a lil bit on the bible and please dont get offended in any way... So I read that God was and still is a hybrid, cos than how wud he has created adam and eve... This now lead me to read more about the Genealogy of the bible to make me understand this whole myth. Than comes Cain and Abel, although this were the first humans to be born from the Original family. I still fail to understand why Cain had to kill his younger brother Abel... So in my defense I believe Cain brought death on earth as Abel was the first human to die, which now brings all sort of death to the living organisms. Rest in Eternal Peace to those that slept before they woke... Now what troubles me is this very tribe in Namibia, Hereroes marry their cousins and so forth. I dont blame them cos if u read further in the Genealogy of the bible including the Cain and Abel myth you wil find the truth. Well even without reading it I still wil tel it to u so here we go... Adam and even only gave birth to three boys that we know of (Cain, Abel and Seth), of which Abel died before reproducing. Now after that I guess Adam and Eve realised that their two boys will be lonely so they went back to the drawing board probably while its dark and attempt to reproduce of which came a female being and then another and so forth... Now since Adam and Eve were the only first existence of humanity, I came to think of how did Cain and Seth reproduce. Cain had a son called Enoch, While Seth had a son called Enosh. And both their sons had sons of their own... But what I am yet to touch is: were did their wives come from...? My guess is they were their sisters, Cain and Seth both had intercourse with their siblings. Which brings in the Herero myth... So humanity is not all wrong as this was brought upon by the first humans God coded in Java maybe... My guess is there was a logical error but he went on to debug and got results without taking all aspects under consideration. Than comes technology, which includes all sorts of trial errors... Not many years ego I never knew Facebook existed, but now am infront of it and so are u... Now our fore fathers never even had a cellphone and todays generations have those devices from as young as 10 years old, can u imagine... But Technology had us all by the balls... I swear soon it wont be facebook no more, I sure am that by the time I start reproducing my offsprings will come to a world were facebook is a legacy system. I bet they will be like, ou wait let me make it more interesting with in a new paragraph... They will be like, Dad u on facebook? What the hell is that, come on be real old man. We dont use that, its not even user friendly... Me and my friends are using ZipBook... And me as the father in a few years to come I will be like, dafuq! Wat the hell is ZipBook son, at the time my son will be like its a social network were you only upload pictures of your Zip. That way u only get to check out the lower part of the body of anyone online as faces(facebook) mostly dont count shaashi in Gods eyes we all look alike. Now we check on the body and Zip type on ZipBook... Dad u so last century, and Daddy! I heard there is a new social site coming out. Ok let me just say it works almost like instantinggram or wat ever u call it, ours is called Nakedgram. Were u can upload pics only but natural pics not this of yors were u put clothed body pics... Honestly to my Son I will be like Nigga u are dead, this is the reason Abel introduced death... I will kill u until u die, so get out... Ok this my get out statement refers to Seth the brother of Cain, so some of his offsprings had sons too until Noah came. Now Noah had three sons which are Shem, Ham and Japhet... One problem is Noah lived for 600 years, and one of his sons did not obey much of Noahs orders so he send him away to Africa, and coincidently that son was almost black and then the African tribe started. I guess he must have made a stop in Egypt and all countries that have Jesus colour since than... Am telling u this u will never understand, but hey what can I do... I am just a living soul concerned about the whole human reproduction system since the zero century... My boss just walked in, gotta go... For more read on the Cain and Abel myth, plus Genesis in the holly book...
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:26:10 +0000

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