Humans pride themselves upon their possessions; whether it is the - TopicsExpress


Humans pride themselves upon their possessions; whether it is the house that they own, the landscaping of the yard, the manner in which the home is decorated, or the manner in which one decorates themselves or in other terms dresses. Possessions and ascension are opposing forces. The more that one possesses, the more that one feels safe. Unfortunately, the more that one possesses, the harder it is to ascend. For possessions lead to attachment, which leads to a field that leaks chi due to the cords between the etheric body and all of the possessions; over time and if enough chi leaks, one will find themselves in a cease ascension experience. Possessions can also be friends, acquaintances, pets, family, children, spouses, and plants. One will lighten the load in order to ascend, and each released from the dance will allow a wave of attachment to release that shall fuel ascension forth. However if one fails to let go of such folk then a cease-ascension will also occur. We will give an example of a cease-ascension that occurred recently in Milas own school. An initiate developed a beautiful web site over the past few years. Time and time again Mila guided this initiate to purge the web site of those holding electrical thought-form. They resisted releasing others out of the belief of wanting to embrace and love everyone. The attachment increased and increased leading to an ascension that can go no further until this initiate chooses to let go. Yet another initiate had been living with a business partner for over thirty years. It was pointed out over time that the ascent could not go any further without a shift in living environments, and a move from the region that they lived which also was not conducive to the continued ascent. This initiate was older, and so ridged that they were unable to seemingly plan and execute the changes necessary to allow for continued ascension; this lead to a cease-ascension for this initiate. Possessions can come in many shapes and forms. One can build a business and ones clients become possessions. As one evolves, one will have to allow the clients to evolve, letting go of those who one is complete with in karma, or one will also cease to evolve. So it is for any preoccupation with clients from doctors, lawyers, chiropractors, massage therapists, psychologists, teachers, and so on. One may also find that the thought-form behind the preoccupation does not serve in ascension beyond a certain point. Ascension brings about the recognition of a new form of law, which is founded upon evolutionary principals. How can one practice law and ascend if the law that one is practicing is founded upon an old paradigm? Over time one may leave the preoccupation behind in total as it no longer resonates, and if not, one may fail to continue to ascend beyond a certain level of evolution. Doctors in the current paradigm are often worshipped as God/Goddess and expected to heal their clientele. No one can heal another; others must choose to heal themselves and there is the possibility now of such more than ever before through ascension. We had one young chiropractor quit and close their practice, as it did not resonate with their ascent any longer. Too many would come for healing that had no interest in taking responsibility for ones own form or life creation. No one can ultimately heal another, and in recognizing this, this particular chiropractor chose to quit and find another means to support them self.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 23:15:41 +0000

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