I 100% agree the English votes for English laws and concerns is - TopicsExpress


I 100% agree the English votes for English laws and concerns is 100% the way to go. HOWEVER, this isnt English only laws and rules is it? This is UK rules and laws! If the English want to vote as such they seriously need to devolve a parliament? How can you exclude 9% of the country on matters which affect it? Votes on the English NHS is media hype? If London cut spending to the UK NHS, i.e. England, Wales and NI that also affects Scotland who will be cut as well in the Barnett forumla? This must never be excluded from any member of the UK, simple as that. How can you possibly expect that to be acceptable? I say set up a devolved English Parliament, devolve the NHS to England then, like Scotland, under a formula, it is given it spending and it is up to them how it is spent, controlled by the UK parliament. There must be a legal standing here. Westminster IS NOT the English Government but the UK Government. There is a legal standing here and if you exclude elected MPs from voting on UK concerns you in essence destroy the UK as it stands and leave Scotland in a position whereby it can walk away! Every single MP has the right to vote on everything passing through the UNITED KINGDOM HOUSE OF COMMONS GOVERNMENT. Unless there is devolved powers set up and governance it will remain as such, legally. If this is the case, purely Scottish affairs should be left to Scotland. They had the option to do this and devolve maximum power to Scotland and let it remove itself from any fiscal involvement of taxes and running Scotland other than foreign and military affairs and opted not to do that but instead still control matters they have no involvement in. YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! Power hungry, power freaks and the all controlling beast that is Westminster. Our days of empires and running the world are well over. I am sure a Devo Max solution would have benefited everyone both north and south of the border! Alas, Cameron would not allow that and refused to even allow the vote on that in the recent referendum! All the anti Scottish attacks only destroys the fabric of the UK further and you play right into the hands of the SNP! UK would be a far sadder place without Scottish input and taxes that much is for sure!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:00:21 +0000

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