I ALMOST GOT RICH (PART 2) So, here I was, faced with a - TopicsExpress


I ALMOST GOT RICH (PART 2) So, here I was, faced with a life-changing proposal. Obviously, I counted myself very lucky. Meanwhile, she told me that they were not supposed to have internet access or any form of communication in the refugee camp. Therefore, whenever, I needed to communicate with her, I had to call a pastor who used to come and preach to them in the camp, and he would call for her. She said his name was/is Reverend Emmanuel George. Please note, these names keep changing with every victim. His number was +221 772 691 429. So, after calling the ‘Reverend’, I got any opportunity to talk to Doris. She was so happy, and even began addressing me using endearment terms. She made it sound as if I was her last hope, so I had to send my details to her via email. She needed my full names, residential address, ID number, cellphone number AND bank account number. She forwarded these to the Managing director of the Royal Scotland Bank, Mr Stephen Hester. Please also note, Mr Hester actually exists, but I do not know his role in this scam as yet. I was also told to contact him by email. All this they said was meant to ‘protect’ Miss Doris’ funds. It seemed to make sense, but wait! Unfortunately/fortunately, after I had quit my previous employer, my account had been closed, so I had to open another one. Mr Hester, through his PA told me that, since I had been appointed by somebody who is in Senegal to manage her trust funds, I needed my documents to be administered by a lawyer resident in that country. He would then ‘oversee’ the transfer of the millions into my account. There is also something they call Power-of-Attorney, whci would enable me to come anywhere near the funds. Back to Doris!! When I told her about this requirement, she suggested I talk to Rev George, who was now referring to me as “brother-in-Christ.” Whenever I called him and he heard my voice, he would start by wishing me good health, the same way Catholic priests do before every church service (Mass). I got so curious and asked him what denomination he was, and alas, Catholic! Anyway, we will return to that bit later, but he offered his own lawyer, a Barrister Simon Cowell. I am mentioning all these names so that maybe, you were approached by the same people, guys. And ALL that I am telling you here is true. Barrister Cowell agreed to help us, and he “retrieved” the documents from Doris and deposited them with the High Court of Dakar for safekeeping. May I also at this stage inform you, if you didn’t know, that I am a former police officer (Force Number 053597G), so it was highly necessary for me to play along, even though my suspicion had already been aroused. Then came the first sign of danger. The lawyer told me that in order to get the documents form the High Court, I was supposed to send them 1,150 Euros. Why, when the money and documents were not mine?? I approached a long-time friend of mine, who asked me if I was willing to have him lend me the money or its US equivalence? I declined for two reasons. (1) He, himself, had been duped by UK-based fraudsters who had lied to him that he had won a sweepstakes there (2) In the event that it turned out that I had been duped, that would leave me with a US$1,500 debt to settle (and probably, destroyed friendship) So, together with Blessing, we came up with a plan. For what we planned, see the next post
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 04:39:02 +0000

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