I AM A METAPHOR JORDAN POE 8/29/11 I am simply a - TopicsExpress


I AM A METAPHOR JORDAN POE 8/29/11 I am simply a metaphor scribbled onto a crumpled piece of paper on the floor waiting to be stepped on, forgotten, only a tattered mass of dirtied paper and gibberish to the normal person, to be thrown away! recycled?! Nothing important to the hurrying busy people on the phone talking about themselves or some work they have to do or they have forgotten. Only the brave and curious pick up my trashed lifeless body to read my madly written story and the few that do never try, or if they do they can’t remember what the slightly smudged out story said. The people that read me always come by mistake or accident, never has a soul come across me and pick me up and read the lines out loud proud to have found such a story. NO! they shrink away in fright and disgust, leave me to be picked up by the wind once more and flow around the city. Till I come to a stop at some other being’s feet, either to be kicked about or picked up with gentle hands ‘till read and thrown once more, thus I am a metaphor and nothing more. Tattered, lost, hopeless, starved from care and love I am just trash to everyone. Just one more piece of litter to be throw away, to incinerate, to dispose. with nothing to live for i let my once proud writing smudge and slowly disappear ‘till it is only a darkened indent left on my once white and crisp paper body. As the shoes, rain, crumbs, dust, dirt collect on me I become part of the forgiving earth. Lolled to an ongoing sleep. My tired old body wants nothing more than to stay still to not be throw, whipped around but the violent wind. No I close my once bright eyes and sleep and have nothing to live up to ‘cause i am just graphite on paper. Who cares what happens or where I go. So I simply stop being and become no more. ‘Cause I am a metaphor and nothing more.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 02:20:15 +0000

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