I AM FIT FOR DIVINE FAVOUR~~> May dat be ur watch word dis - TopicsExpress


I AM FIT FOR DIVINE FAVOUR~~> May dat be ur watch word dis day. Many times, the fact dat a person is very energetic & hardworkin is not necessarily an indication dat d person will be successful & great in life. If human prowess and efforts were really the automatic yardsticks to great heights, then many of those people still struggling up d ladder of achievements would already be on d mountain top of success. The greatest books spells dis out in ecclesiastes 9:11 I RETURNED, AND SAW UNDER THE SUN, THAT THE RACE IS NOT TO THE SWIFT, NOR THE BATTLE TO THE STRONG, NEITHER YET BREAD TO THE WISE, NOR YET RICHES TO MEN OF UNDERSTANDING, NOR YET FAVOUR TO MEN OF SKILL; BUT TIME AND CHANCE HAPPENETH TO THEM ALL. Favour is that currency by which you do little and obtain great results, it is that factor by which wat others re struggling and sweating to accomplish, gets done by you almost effortlessly. I wish to go on and on. But to crown dis all the book of Hebrews 4:16 says let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need... May ur blessings and favour neva elude u readin dis.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:30:54 +0000

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