I AM NOT PROBAMA - I’M ANTI-ALTERNATIVE and hate all the - TopicsExpress


I AM NOT PROBAMA - I’M ANTI-ALTERNATIVE and hate all the politics all over the place on facebook BUT Rick Snyder and Kevyn Orr are worthy of a few lines. These men, seemingly, have no conscience or sense of right-or-wrong. I guess - no moral compass. Let’s take away the pensions of retirees who’ve invested 30 or more years to the citizens of Detroit and Michigan. Let’s forget that they were guaranteed these retirement benefits due them upon completion of their careers. When someone makes the very difficult decision to retire - they do so after hours of anguish considering whether-or-not this can work. They base their final decision on whether they can exist on the benefits and pensions they have accrued over these many years of service. They will suffer many sleepless nights after signing the FINALIZED agreement. Now that you’ve made this agonizing decision and should be reaping the rewards for years of loyal service, some guy comes along who’s been on his job for a very short time. He assumes he has the right to withdraw all promises to people, like you, who aren’t too important. He thinks he’s been empowered to discard your rights and benefits, because he IS important. It’s an easy decision for someone in public service to make, especially for those who are, in no way, concerned about serving their public. Incidentally, these officials get the finest retirement benefits and pensions available after serving just 6 years. Can we please have a popular vote on whether we should take away their benefits and pensions (after they retire)? We’d probably want to do it on a case-to-case basis. I’ll guarantee, they can afford it much easier than their current victims. I use the term “current victims” because these gents are just testing the water. Should they be successful with their strip-mining of these negotiated rights and benefits I hope no-one is naïve enough to think this’ll be the end of it. It’ll just be the beginning. Stay tuned because they’ve got some surprises ahead for all of us. The Detroit City Retirees being targeted by K.O. & R.S. aren’t going to be hired into any decent jobs at their ages. The City of Detroit, with it’s all-encompassing wisdom, decided that Detroit and it’s employees wouldn’t participate in Social Security. I didn’t even know this could happen. I’m smarter now. So, now, where is the money coming from to keep these poor souls afloat? Kevyn??? Richard??? Any answers? King Richard rode in as the “Nerd” . He seemed harmless so we elected him. Then he got his marching orders from the top. We were very wrong about his being harmless. Kevyn Orr - Don’t worry about him. He finally paid his tax debt (probably without penalties) so he could save Detroit. All Hail - Prince Kevyn. Some of you are now saying “typical union man”. Guilty as charged but I’ve never been a gung-ho union guy ’til Rick Snyder came into power. I retired from G.M. in 2000. I’ve watched the erosion of my benefits since then. I talked to a union president about this. I told him that I retired based on my pension and benefits. G.M. has welched on the deal. I should be able to show up at the front gate, lunchbox in hand, because both sides should have to honor a contract. He told me; “that’s not how it works”. Why not? My wife was a teacher. She retired a few years back and we’re watching her bennies evaporate too. This is the wave of the future for anyone in (at least) the U.S. If we keep putting people in office who are there to serve their peers instead of their constituents retirement will be a memory, except for the rich. Believe it! I won’t be around to see it but I have children and grandchildren who will someday deserve to retire. Do You?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 20:45:31 +0000

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