I CAN’T BLOODY SLEEP!! I AM 45 IN A FEW WEEKS AND I CAN’T SLEEP BECAUSE I AM AS EXCITED AND ANXIOUS AS CHILDREN IN MY YOUNG DAYS USED TO BE BEFORE BIRTHDAYS AND CHRISTMAS!! I feel this year’s events, challenges, changes and opportunities have crescendo into something quite spectacular. Today, first thing I’m going to the gym to train with one of the most incredible (and smallest) persons, who I have now adopted as my new gym inspiration. I have worked with many people in this setting over the years and have enjoyed time and development with them all. However, I have not experienced anything quite like this. I find myself striving for personal excellence and more just because of the privilege I feel in training this person I affectionately call Lara. As in Lara Croft. Her determination and development has been incredible. It’s a bit like the movie the Matrix when Morpheus trains Neo to unlock his true potential. Lara’s potential is huge let me tell ya. And I if I am correct, I have the great honour of putting the key in the lock and letting that s**t loose on the world :-). After the gym, I’m meeting my fellow warriors to engage another adversary for 80mins. Yes the Swift Rugby Vets meet for the last time this year to position ourselves top of our league. I don’t play a huge role in this team and wouldn’t want to. However I do play a role and do my best to play it well. There is something very special and necessary being part of a team that the members of will risk pain and injury to reach their objectives. 15 stand together and they choose to bruise and bleed for one another, to always be there in the face of opposition and pressure. Since the day I began playing at my club I made many friends, however there has been one whom on the field I have stood next to and fought many fights. Today I will stand next to him again no doubt. He is good at what he does, he is very good. The best I can do is protect him, run with him and fight to win with him with everything I’ve got. I care about this bloody bastard so much it really pisses me off even when he gets tackled. Off the field we barely say two kind words to each other because he is a wanker! But I love him :-). Andrew Garrick is down from Leeds this weekend, which mean I will no doubt have a spectator/heckler on the side-lines today lol. Hopefully he will bring my surrogate father Frank along to enrich the heckling lol. No matter what I will be seeing this family this weekend for sure!! Tonight I have a dinner date planned that I am so looking forward to. Its been over a year since our last one and that was a scream. It is a real treat to be having dinner with an old friend and at one point an old flame, I can’t think of a time when we have been out and it hasn’t been hilarious and meaningful. Last night I had a meeting with a new friend and potentially a new flame!! Its all a bit up in the air right now, but very exciting nevertheless. Its just nice to meet and talk and feel completely emotionally rested. Watching my back, constantly guarding my six o’clock is my Tanny. What can I say about this woman… Since about 1993 we have forged what we have now albeit a long ass break in the middle. What a year we’ve had. Loved coming to stay with you lot! The jokes and talks have been splendid. I can hear you and Kristal laughing as I write this :-) Thank you for being there this week and last Tanny. It was so very needed and worth it. XXXX I am in two minds about my job most days. However teaching this week has been really emotional (in a good way). Very rarely do you get a chance to really connect with people. There is always something in the way. Teaching confidence and relationship building these past two weeks has been amazing. To assist in the unlocking of another potential, freeing them from the bonds of mental and emotionally captivity is really something and very humbling. One person who isn’t even native to these shores has shown amazing dexterity. In her country she maintained a highly regarded formal position, educated to postgraduate level and hugely talented in arts and crafts! HUGELY!! She came to believe that working in a warehouse etc was all she was worth in this country and in this ‘new-life’ she has acquired. I cannot allow someone like that or anyone else to think of themselves in this way. Not when it isn’t true! Not when it reduces self-esteem so much that the person confines themselves, to a lifetime of mental and emotionally solitary confinemen! Only with time off now and again for good behaviour!! Sorry, but I wont allow it!! I know only too well what is in those dark places. So this week I planned and executed a jailbreak!! The likes of which resembled the Great Escape!! I played the part of the black Steve McQueen PMSL. Suffice to say this week with her and a few others there has been a huge change and in some cases real tears of joy and more importantly tears of FREEDOM have been shed. It has been one hell of a week, and its only Saturday!! Whoever has taken the time to read this, thank you. See you lot on the other. Lets get ready to rumble
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:16:12 +0000

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