I Cant believe Im the guy sayin this...Mairi, scroll away now, - TopicsExpress


I Cant believe Im the guy sayin this...Mairi, scroll away now, everyone else...its nowt you havent heard afore...Ill no be offended if ye dingy it ;) But, Reflecting on what Ive heard in the months/years of campaigning, and since this morning, Im a wee bit confused. A) Surely we all knew there were gonna be riots in the event of any outcome...Both sides have their quota of actual, ignorant, aggressive eejits. (Not condoning/minimising rioting, just struggling how to get my head around the fact that no one will admit this was inevitable, or that the reason these things are gaining momentum is only because there are opposing forces in close quarters)...Anyone, from any camp-including undecided and the folk incapable of succesfully completing the ballot paper-who headed into George Square tonight, was doing so in the secure knowledge that it wasnt gonna go down smoothly...Aye, its DISGUSTING, but, its not surprising-were human. Yes votersd be in a similar predicament-Purely because people are people, a whole lot of them like to drink, and by nature, to brag about victory-the Yes eejits would be goading folk, ending in fighting, and the Nos, who turned up, would, as I said invariably have been winding folk up-why else would they attend a celebration of the opposite teams win? B) Throughout this campaign, anything thats been said that folk didnt like the sound of, has been challenged, with significant backlash against the media-right up until this morning and beyond...BBC aside-nae denying those shenanigans-Every news story has been met wi accusations of lies, and bribery, and conspiracy...How, all of a sudden, are the folk who have been condemning specific newspapers, based on their declared alliance, now sharing reliable links to the articles with screaming headlines that suit their argument? How did the media magically so quickly become relevant again? And, C) How come, so many of the folk who have spent the last however many years of their lives dedicated to the Yes campaign, are spitting the dummy, and being totally defeatist!?! If youve made your decision, based on the info available to ye, then you would surely have been aware of the infinite nature of the work that would have needed to be done to propel the Scottish government into working order, and committed to take your part in that process to help honour their promises (which, for lots of people, was the most exciting thing about this referendum-the chance to actually pitch-in and make a difference). Are they not motivated that initially, support for Yes was minimal, and in the last 2 months alone has snowballed into stats (for turnout and results) that would have been laughed at if projected a year ago? If thats not motivation to stay aff yer arse, and keep up momentum for changes to the system...If Westminster arent willing to keep the promises they made, then at the very least, theyve lost the folk who were swung by them-and thats just for starters. If were not willing to enter into that relatively easier battle, then by no stretch of the imagination would we have been capable of making a go of independence...I choose to believe that we could have, and that the positive of this result is the potential it has to encourage other countries to replicate...If Cameron, Brown et al make an arse of it and renege on the deal, then theyre sin-dyed, and the next ref would more likely see Yes winning a bigger turnout. Any Yes voter Ive spoken to is all about hope over fear, stop being feart of things going sour, and hope that either this has persuaded doon South to accept that theyve got to be accountable and deliver on their promises, or put the fear of God into them that if they dont then its 100% gonna impact on all of them come 2015 elections!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 01:12:20 +0000

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