I Cor. 13:2-...and have not charity, I am nothing. In this great - TopicsExpress


I Cor. 13:2-...and have not charity, I am nothing. In this great love chapter, Paul states that though one speak with tongues of men and angels, have the gift of prophecy, understand all mysteries and knowledge, have all faith, give all ones goods, and ultimately be burned at the stake, and have not charity or love, it is all vain. Imagine that! We would laud and applaud any of the above actions as being great. Yet, without love, they are useless and nothing. The word he uses for love throughout the chapter is agape. It is the same root word used in John 3:16-For God so LOVED the world... (Emphasis mine). It is Gods type of love. There is no greater circle of operation than love. God is the source, example, and teacher of love. Paul next gives 16 properties of characters of this love in action. With Gods help, we will consider these qualities individually in the coming days. Paul ends this chapter by saying-...the greatest of these is charity. One of the most profound comments made regarding the early church came from the lips of a man named Aristides, sent by the Emperor Hadrian to spy out those strange creatures known as Christians. Having seen them in action, Aristides returned with a mixed report. But his immortal words to the emperor have echoed down through history: Behold! How they love one another. Do we today? What has happened to the love feast at most churches? Remember, ...the greatest of these is love.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 11:07:47 +0000

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