I DONT KNOW MUCH, BUT I KNOW THIS! YOU DONT HAVE TO BE A SCIENTIST OR A RICH PERSON TO TELL RADIATION TO TAKE A HIKE!!! Best methods for getting the MOST out of these Cancer Fighting ALLSTARS... 1. TURMERIC: Active component is curcumin. Use an organic supplement for maximum bodily absorption or lightly heat a TBS of tumeric with a clove of fresh garlic thats been gently sauteed in about 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil. Mix in a heaping 1/2 tsp of black pepper (allows your body to absorb 1,000 times more curcumin), and add a dash of sea salt. Combine with Your fresh juiced Green Juice. 2. SOURSOP: I just got some the other day and cant wait to try it. Imma blend it in my familys morning smoothie. 3. WHEAT GRASS: One of the most POWERFUL FOODS on EARTH. 15lbs of wheatgrass has the nutritional equivalent of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY POUNDS of the c-h-o-i-c-e-s-t vegetables. All that with curative strength that would take all day for me to type. My best recommendation, cause its expensive in the supermarket, is to GROW YOUR OWN. Its so incredibly easy. Heres a vid: https://youtube/watch?v=sS7Vfm4i764 4. TOMATOES: They contain a potent Cancer Fighter that reduces the risk of Prostate Cancer in men substantially even IF those same men are eating a lousy diet. Just imagine what theyll do if You eat right! But raw isnt best for tomatoes as the substance lycopene which kills Cancer Cells is locked deep in the fruits cellular structure. Youll get more from an organic, slow and low cooked sauce. Cook it Yourself to ensure optimal nutrient content by never cooking anything above 130 degrees. 5. GRAPEFRUITS: Im honest. I dont know much about grapefruit, except? ID BETTER GET SOME MYSELF CAUSE ITS A POWERHOUSE. And it helps maintain healthy weight. 6. KALE: One of the cruciferous veggies that stops Cancer in its tracks, but to get the full nutrient level? Well, all that 100% raw stuff is the latest misinformed phase. Some tough veggies MUST be at least steamed a bit, till theyre still bright green but chewable. Kale is definitely one of those. 7. BROCCOLI: We each should be eating broccoli several times per week. And of all the forms, truly Sprouted Broccoli has the highest rate of sulphurophane, which does the killing. Another cruciferous veggie, it requires light sauteing or steaming, and frozen broccoli has some nutrition, but the producers cook it to a high temp and that destroys the sulphurophane. You can also juice it, but steam it prior to juicing to release all that Cure. 8. GARLIC: A friggin miracle bulb right chere. Again, juice it raw, or sautee it lightly. Eating raw garlic is GREAT, but? Not as nutritious. 9. EGGPLANTS: Im happy to confess, Im still learning, so maybe? You can tell me the best way to eat eggplant for maximum HEALING.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:04:27 +0000

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