I Dont Need God Judging Me Lifes hard enough as it is How - TopicsExpress


I Dont Need God Judging Me Lifes hard enough as it is How many days do you get through without once thinking that you messed up somehow, or werent good enough, or smart enough, or good-looking enough? Something, somewhere will remind you that youre not quite cutting it. Some people seem oblivious to this reality, but I dont think they really are. They may try to avoid thinking about it -- thats understandable -- but poke them a little and youll find the defensiveness that gives them away. I remember my eldest son, when he was in high school, telling me that life was confusing and difficult enough without having also to be a Christian goody-goody (or words to that effect). I dont think hes alone in that sentiment. Christianity can seem demanding and restrictive. It seems to raise the bar on how good were supposed to be, on how moral, how generous and self-sacrificing, how kind, gentle, patient, etc., were supposed to be. Who needs the pressure? Besides, the people you find in church arent all that great. Who are they to judge me? The people in church are in no position to judge you, and they are not supposed to judge. But, youre right, many of them probably are no better than you are, and so they, too, do things they shouldnt. Some of them, though, will be different. Some of them will be living out Gods love. Just being around such people can make us better. They make us feel more loved and more accepted, and we -- unless we are really damaged indeed -- respond to that love. We relax our defenses a little and let our better selves emerge a little. Spending time before God in prayer is the ultimate in that experience. He loves and accepts us completely and that love transforms us, as we let it, as we drop our defenses and become willing to be changed. You see, Christianity doesnt raise the bar on what is demanded of us. We already know deep down where we are falling short. Christianity provides us a way to change from who we are to our better self, the self that God intends us to be. The great Christians we hear about -- such as Blessed John Paul II and Mother Teresa, in recent times -- do remind us of the incredible potential of each human being, the potential to be truly good, deeply loving, actually unselfish. But that reality is always there for all of us. That potential is there in all of us, whether or not we choose to think about it. Christianity doesnt present the problem; we live with the problem every day. Christianity offers the solution, the help we need to be extraordinary people. This goes for people of all colours, race, denomination, creed who believes tht God is love...we all serve that same God of love..no ifs, buts ands or maybe..
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:10:39 +0000

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