I GOT MY MIND ON MY EARTHSHIP, AND A MOVE TO DENVER ON MY MIND! I once lived in the middle of a desert, where we were lucky to see 12 inches of rain and snow per year; My trailer was far from town, its was poorly insulated, poorly heated and lacked a functioning shower & bath tub, in fact it didnt even have a hot water heater. To most people this would be unbearable, Im not gonna lie and say it didnt suck at first but I got used to it. Hell I loved it! The mountain waterfalls became my shower, I felt unique and primitive yet modern and humble, I felt free. One summer New Mexcio hit an unusually severe drought and one day I went to get a cup of water only to find, there wasnt any. Our well went completely dry! This was especially hard as this well not only supplied water to my trailer, but also to my aunt and uncles home (who had two small children)in addition to my grandparents across the street. Instantly I took more notice to the Earthships in the distance, and the people who were building them, as I had driven by and paid no attention otherwise for years; I thought to myself here we are, ten miles apart yet they have water, heat, showers and by utilizing the design it allowed those same people, in the same drought, to collect 45+ inches of water a year by harvesting and reusing it. One day I packed up my truck with all I owned, hit the road and headed north! I was eager to explore, and thirsty for success. Since then I started up two independent busineses, lived in a wonderful community in NE South Dakota and traveled the country indulging in my art for several years....but my thoughts were never far from earthshipping and my heart was still in the desert. I missed the mountain showers. Some people think Im crazy:) If crazy is building a self sustaining home for as little as 20.00 per square ft then sure Ive gone completly mad! You know what I think is crazy? Huge utility bills, paying for high priced fossil fuels, consuming chemically enhanced food, paying interest on home loans, slaving away to keep a roof over my head, depleting our recouces.....to me, THAT IS CRAZY! I did the math and the verdict is in! The benefits of living in an Earthship would not only allow we to save an extra 1,000 per month.....for the rest of my life! I would be a home owner in less than three years:) living cleaner, greener, and free! So, if Earthships are so amazing, why isnt everyone building them?! Building permits and codes are a huge part of it, but in the big picture these designs have been available and improving for DECADES! The fact of the matter is that banks, energy companies, food distributors, oil companies, real estate companies and many more high priced in demand business/services would essentially lose money, big money. Big money thats used to deplete the worlds resources, big money that leaves so many in debt and without the basic things they need, big money that belongs in YOUR pocket. I will not tell another person how they should live, but I do believe people should be aware of the options. So its off to Denver, just a few hours north of land where we can legally build our very first Earthship and with hopes, many more. Thanks for reading, please feel free to weigh in below.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:51:45 +0000

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