I HAVE A THEORY ABOUT THE REASON FOR 8 YEARS OF GOP OBSTRUCTION. I REALLY THINK IT MIGHT BE WORTH HEARING. There are actually a few reasons why a primarily WHITE GOP has been standing in the way of an intelligent and caring BLACK President. One, of course is RACISM. No one wants to admit it, no one wants to talk about it but this is the 1st reason. If you think otherwise you are lying to yourself. This is a great time to decide if you are a racist or not, its okay to be a racist but be open and honest about it, if you hate a man because of his color it is your right, but you are wrong. The second reason is because the Republican Senate has to try and make it look as if a Democratic Black President did a lousy job. It doesnt matter to them that they trash the country while doing so. Republican leadership thinks that if they can make President Barack Obama look ineffective to all of us, because we are basically just cattle, we will forget their failure to legislate positive change while very efficiently voting more tax reductions for the rich and a hefty pay increase for themselves. This in the midst of doing NOTHING else. (Oh I forgot, they legislated themselves the exclusive right to insider-trade in the stock market too) Gee, I thought that we are all EQUAL in the eyes of the law.. Im so stunned, disappointed and just plain SHOCKED to find out otherwise. (tongue in cheek here) The GOP believes that if they can make this Democratic administration look bad enough, even if it means outright lying, fake surveys, re-writing history, that they can get a Republican as President in 2016. It will also mean, they think, that a Black person will have proven to not be good enough, effective enough to be President. So, they believe they are assuring victory in 2016 and making it, in their small minds, impossible for another Black to ever be President again. I have bad news for the Koch Brothers GOP, people are realizing that the USA is a better country under Democracy. Looking back it is a fact that in every case the economy improved under Democratic leadership and went downhill or to war under every other Republican. This plain fact goes all the way back to and except for FDR. So, the GOP thinks they are winning the hearts and minds of America. But in actuality they have lost the vote of any and every woman who has been paying attention. They have said they are against equal pay for equal work, dont believe that women should have the same quality of insurance coverage as men and think that they have the right to tell women what they can do with their own bodies. There is plenty more of that thinking in the GOP but basically they believe that women are Second Class Citizens. They, the basically all-male and all-white GOP, believe they are the ONLY first class citizens in the USA, period. PERIOD. They have lost the vast majority of female voters already and will spend the next two years losing even more of them. The GOP has lost the votes of virtually every Black person in America. The GOP has lost the votes of virtually every poor person in America. The GOP has lost the votes of virtually every Hispanic person in America. The GOP should already have lost the votes of anyone in the US Military. The GOP should have already lost the votes of any reasonably intelligent fair-minded American. If, between the Liberals and Democrats, we can gain a majority at every level you will see real, touchable progress in The United States of America. The deficit will decline, as it has under every other Democratic President. Our infrastructure will be upgraded, roads, bridges, the Power Grid etc etc. Perhaps, some how, some way, in time common people will believe that the playing field is level again. That, if they work hard, obey the law and have some luck that they can actually move ahead in life. Maybe, just maybe, the people of this Country can regain that free and easy feeling that we all once had about living in the USA, maybe we can once again, as a people, truly believe that we live in the best country in the world.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:22:51 +0000

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