I SAW OUR PHOTOGRAPHER CRY TODAY.................. (THIS very sad - TopicsExpress


I SAW OUR PHOTOGRAPHER CRY TODAY.................. (THIS very sad POST is NOT FOR KIDS--!!) Sorry to post this-I was NOT going to... but our photographer insisted... and hes right because it shows what happens when you fill our once peaceful Ventura, California hills with dozens of noisy oil well rigs and diesel engine fracking equipment. This is what happens to our wildlife when you bring in heavy machinery to cut dirt roads and well pads right through habitat and then add countless truck trips in and out of the hillsides. The animals become terrorized. And they try to flee. This poor beautiful doe didnt stand a chance against the white utility truck that slammed into her as she ran panicked from the oil field and bolted back and forth across the busy roadway. Her big eyes rolling crazily and her tongue eerily hanging out of her mouth. TRAUMATIC TO WATCH: Our animal-loving photographer said he will never forget the look of absolute fear on this beautiful young doe as she ran Southbound alongside his car for 40 yards. As he slowed, he tried in vain to put on hazard lights to warn others but there was nothing he could do to when she darted back into the opposing lanes. She was killed instantly. The truck kept going and the poor deer was left flying into the air, bouncing a few times until she came to rest, as you can see for yourself, on the Shell Road exit. So sad. Fracking and well stimulation is killing our wildlife, polluting the air and endangering our precious Ventura River, the aquifer and all the families and kids in our close neighborhood community. We will be passing a petition around shortly. We hope you will sign it before it is too late. I saw our photographer break down and cry today. We cried together as the sun set. What else can we do? Stop Ventura Fracking in our neighborhood. Please. For the animals.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 03:30:32 +0000

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