I SEE A DANGER Church! I write this today for I see a danger in - TopicsExpress


I SEE A DANGER Church! I write this today for I see a danger in our walk. We must be very careful as to what we post and what we watch and see. SOMETIMES we need to post warnings of things that our LORD has put on our hearts. Many times the enemy is using us (if we let him) to post FEAR! I surely know the enemy satan the father of lies is working in his people and in this country. When someone posts a “beheading” in this country, I know its here, and I know its wicked; but that “fear mongering spirit” is working a “smoke screen” on The saints of GOD (YHWH). Let me give an example God gave me long ago. If a man came in to a gathering of God’s (YHWH) worshipers in a grass skirt, Spear, witch doctors hat with horns, throwing powder and casting spells, wanting to sacrifice to false gods, he would quickly be escorted out of the building. Rightfully so. Take the same man, same message, different words dressed up in an $ 1,500.00 Armani suit of clothes and he would receive amen from the congregation. What’s the point, well the first man (witch doctor) was easy to spot, no one called Christian would want to sacrifice chickens to false gods. It is very obvious, clearly seen as false god and anti-Christ. The man in the nice suit and expensive car, plays upon the “flesh” although the message is the same, just “dressed” up words and clever deception. Just a little off, from the truth and flesh tickling enough of the ear to appeal to the flesh, and therefore slightly getting you off the “PATH”. After a while you are WAY OFF the PATH. For there is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death! If we are not sold out to GOD (YHWH), Trusting and believing in faith, Yahshua/Jesus 100% we will miss it! IF IT WERE POSSIBLE the VERY ELECT would be deceived. Folks that’s quite a statement, if we think we can see it on our own we are already deceived. The study of evil is there is no end! - I do not have to know every evil befalling this nation, I KNOW that GOD ALMIGHTY’S AXE is about to fall and has already fallen on this nation – THAT as a whole has forgotten HIM WHO BLESSED this nation, and kept it by HIS HAND, for many years! Well meaning “CHRISTIAN” folks, are spreading fear like no body’s business. I am not talking about God’s Prophets, Prophetess, Ministers preaching God’s WORD and SPEAKING Gods Prophetic WORD. I’m talking about those taking the “news” clips from Reuters, ABC< NBC< CBS< FOX NEWS< CNN- ! DO YOU NOT KNOW that those lying news networks are SOLD OUT to satan??? They are spreading fear like a plague, and perhaps enabling the WORDS OUR LORD Yahshua/Jesus spoke – Men’s hearts failing them for fear. Luke 21:26 (KJV) 26 Mens hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. STOP Spreading fear. Spread HOPE, FAITH, LOVE, encouragement etc. One more example: I was studying the “other” religions of the world, cults, works of darkness actually, thinking I was doing a “good thing”. My Sweet Aunt Linda, whom at that time worked for the Bank, head of all the tellers, gave me wisdom that God used to speak to me. They were having classes on how to spot counterfeit monies. I ask her how could you do that there are thousands of counterfeit, fake bills. She said oh no, you don’t understand. We get the real bills and study them closely, then when a counterfeit comes across our tellers they can spot it immediately because they know what the real one is suppose to look like, there is too many fakes to study you would never get to them all, only by studying the real will you know. WOW! God spoke to me right then and said the same with MY WORD, and ANTICHRISTS, too many to study> Study MY WORD, and learn of me and the false will easily be spotted when it comes around. All the study of darkness was doing to me was causing fear, doubt, unbelief, stress. GOD spoke to me clear as a bell: You will never learn about light studying darkness! So when we study, God’s WORD, HIS LIFE and walk as Yahshua/Jesus walked in the Spirit, communing with Yahshua and our Father, ABBA, we will be ok. We MUST trust HIM we cannot trust our self. To me spreading that fear the worldly news agencies and others are spreading, can very well be spreading “corrupt communication” out of our mouths. It is a fine line, im just saying be very careful not to spread fear. Love your Brother Barry
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 14:19:17 +0000

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