I SWEAR BY ALLAH THAT EVERY DISBELIEVER IN GOOD CONDUCT AND IN ALLAH, THE HIDDEN, THE UNSEEN, WILL MEET HIS FAIT.wher are those who think allah is not testing us with eachothers friendship good conduct? wher are the ahlu sunnah haiters? wher are they? wher are the people who hide from the preachers of allah in ther bedrooms? wher are the youths who are wronging each other and commiting crimes and hurting ther parents and thinking allah is not sever in punishment? wher are the people who are bad to ther neighbours and ther relatives? wher are the people who worship the money and commit all kinds of crimes they can fink of to please a faulse devilish leader? wher are the tyranys and the misers who enjoy misery upon the fellow human been? wher are those who want to fight allah and his laws? wher are the non worshipers of allah? wher are those who dont want to understand allahs book the quran with a open mind? wher are those who think they are proud and self sufficient and dont want to help the poor? wher are the tyrany leaders who hait ahlu sunnah and gods laws? wher are they all? LOOK AT OUR CONDITION TODAY, WE ALL HAVE THESE ABOVE QUALITYS.\\\\\ AND ALLAH SAIS IN THE QURAN THE REMINDER, THAT HE CREATED HUMANS TO WORSHIP ALLAH AND TO TEST US ALL WHO IS BEST IN GOOD DEEDS IN WORLDLY AFFAIR SO THEY CAN ENTER HEAVEN IN THE AFTERLIFE WITH ALL THAT THEY DESIRE\..\\ i swear by allah that if we have these above mentioned things in our heart, that the storm of misery and earthquakes will visit our home lands with destruction and the anjel of death ripping out our souls in the most horrible way to send us back to our graves for horror punishment.. I SWEAR BY ALLAH THAT ALLAH WILL CATCH UP WITH US AND U WILL MEET THE DEGRADTION OF UR SINNS IN HELL IF U ARE NOT CAREFULL HOW U TREAT EACH OTHER..
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:29:47 +0000

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