I. THE IMPORTANCE OF EMOTION IN OUR CHRISTIANITY A. We need to appreciate the value of emotions in our efforts to go to heaven. 1. We need to get excited and emotional about the gospel message. a. If we cannot be moved emotionally, we need to check our spiritual plus to see if we are alive spiritually. B. All great Bible characters were emotional. 1. Moses anger burned, and he smashed the tables of stone. Ex. 32:19 2. Joseph was deeply stirred when he made himself known to his brothers. Gen. 45:1-4 3. Joshua tore his clothes and fell to the earth on his face. Joshua 7:5-7 4. Jesus displayed emotions many times. a. He wept at the grave of Lazarus. John 11:33-36 b. He wept as He approached Jerusalem. Luke 19:41-44 c. The Hebrew writer mentioned His strong crying and tears which probably refers to His agony in the garden of Gethsemane. Heb. 5:7-8 d. He had compassion on the lost, confused masses. Matt. 9:36 e. He often had compassion on the diseased and afflicted. f. He showed tenderness toward little children. Mark 10:13-16 g. He showed His emotions as he drove the money changers from the temple. John 2:13-16 h. Emotionalism is seen in His teaching; e.g., the parable of the good Samaritan, the prodigal son coming home. 5. Paul was very emotional. a. He was emotional about what he preached. Acts 20:31 b. His spirit was stirred within him when he saw the idolatry in Athens. Acts 17:16 c. He often was fearful, comforted, and full of joy. 2 Cor. 7:5-7 d. His letters are often packed with emotion.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 08:27:04 +0000

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