I WEEP FOR MY STATE...WHO WILL SAVE PLATEAU STATE? By Prince Rotdunna Sekat Sabo Plateau today, is divided along ethnic and tribal lines. The uppermost thing one considers today, is where his candidate is coming from. Is he Gomai,Berom or Mwaghavul? Plateau people today are divided on geopolitical zone basis. the yardstick for how the votes will go in 2015 will be determined by what language you can speak, and what your region is. With the tribal divide, one wonders the position of the Hausa/Fulani Muslims in the State today. looking at Plateau State, the predominant issues on our landscape now are political issues. the Christmas and the new year bubbles is gradually disappearing.no thanks to the 2015 elections. What makes my heart weep for Plateau is the constant abuses supporters of political party candidates continue to rain upon themselves. why will the Lalong supporters not promote their candidates without abuses on GNS supporters? and why will GNS supporters not promote their candidate without abuses on the later? Thank God,GNS supporters are now change People. The fact remains that these candidates sit at night at wine bars and drinks while their supporters go haywire on their behalf. For the fact that APC has chosen Professor Sonny Tyoden as its deputy, is not a guarantee that Mwaghavul People will vote for him. With millions of Mwaghavul People spread across Plateau and beyond, one could imagine that if this number should translate to vote, then the APC will go places. Looking at Yilji Gomwalk,one will say how many votes will he bring to GNS even in his home town Kanke? But as PDP members we believed that Jangs works which he consolidate on Late JD Gomwalk will intercede for us With blood shed everywhere in the State who will save our State from this insecurity? Can Lalong come on board to salvage the situation? No,can GNS occupying the Little Rayfield and stem this insecurities? Yes cos as a young researcher GNS have develop many blue prints on Plateau Crisis,he has represented the State at UN headquarters and presented a white paper on the remote and immediate causes of Jos crisis. 2015 election,the sentiments of region and ethnicity will shape our voting power. we have had much of developmental projects in Jangs administration. But my fear remains, if Lalong assumes power in 2015,God forbid,what becomes of the so many projects that Baba Jang have laid across length and breath of Plateau State? Will he consolidate on what Jang has done? it was Aristotle who said that, men give judgment based on their understanding. We need a pragmatic young leader who will lead us out from where we are, to where we ought to be not on the basis of tribe or zone. Our weeping must end with the power of our votes. Let us stop the abuse and promote our candidates based on their worth and manifestoes and not abuses. Greater Together......Redemption Continues.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:34:31 +0000

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