I actually wont knock President Obama for not attending the rally - TopicsExpress


I actually wont knock President Obama for not attending the rally in Paris. Yes, what happened was terrorism, but allow me to explain: These sub-human mongrels whom thought it was a good idea to shoot up a cartoon magaizine are nothing more than psychopaths, glad we all agree there. They are using their religion as a vessel for hate, which, unfortunately for Muslims, they are going by the word of Mohammed (I specify this, because even the Christian Bible has some backwards stuff when taken word for word, but not the spoken word Jesus Christ). Where was the rally and march after three jet liners vaporized 2,500 Americans, and another 500 or so killed from falling debris? Where was the march or rally when London was bombed? Where was the rally whenever Spain was hit? Yet, the French, who have been little more than appeasers to the Islamist movement (see Marine Le Pen), and everyone else is supposed to all the sudden shit themselves with Anti-extremist rage over 17 dead people? Yes, every life matters, but shit fire... these wack jobs have, in cold blood, murdered thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people and long before last week. They have rioted in France and the UK on multiple occasions.. yet, this, right here right now, with 17 people dead is supposed to be the global call to arms? Hell no. This page and this Nation stand with France, Charlie Hebdo, and the normal Muslims who wont stand for this bullshit. washingtonpost/blogs/post-politics/wp/2015/01/12/top-obama-administration-officials-criticized-for-not-appearing-at-paris-march/?hpid=z2
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:20:32 +0000

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