I admire Intelligent leaders, including Thuli - TopicsExpress


I admire Intelligent leaders, including Thuli Madonsela! “George Orwell tells us about a community, pretty much like ours, but it’s a community of animals. These animals were enslaved by humans, and the humans made those animals work very hard. The humans never produced anything for themselves… but the humans ate all of the food and gave the animals very little. Over time, among the animals, leaders emerged that started to tell the animals that it’s not right to be oppressed by humans. We deserve not to starve while they are eating all the food.Those conversations kept happening over time in little circles until they reached a critical mass… one day the animals revolted and kicked the humans out of the farm.”“When the animals then decided to govern their own farm, they created rules for themselves. These rules included all animals are equal, no animal should eat milk or eggs, no animal should sleep in a bed with sheets.It was going to be to each according to their ability, and each according to their needs. After a little while everyone was happy. The humans were gone.“The animals that liberated most of the other animals were the pigs. After a period of time, the pigs started to feel that we liberated you, we deserve better, and after time the pigs started to eat more than the others…[the pigs] do all of the thinking, they do all of the coordination, they liberated the animals, they deserve to be fed better.And the rules started changing, imperceptibly overnight… It used to say all animals are equal, then suddenly, it said some are more equal than others
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 06:34:02 +0000

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