I also learnt something extremely fascinating at my Yin Yoga - TopicsExpress


I also learnt something extremely fascinating at my Yin Yoga Training called Hyaluronic Acid. As I was researching it online, I found this article By Jenni Livingston. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a naturally occurring fluid that possesses a multitude of benefits. Hyaluronic Acid has been gaining in notoriety due to its incredible ability to bind up to 1000 times its weight in water. Its clear gel-like substance lubricates joints, reduces inflammation, improves surgical outcomes, and helps to maintain the moisture in the skin (improving the appearance of wrinkles on a cellular level). Wow!!! What else? FEEL BETTER… YOUR BODY: Hyaluronic Acid is found in all bones and cartilage structures throughout the body, providing resilience and rigidity to their structure. HA is also found in our connective tissue (which covers the entire body), providing support, protection, and insulation. Pretty amazing stuff right? It gets better.. LOOK BETTER… YOUR SKIN: Young skin is smooth and highly elastic because it contains high concentrations of HA, which helps skin stay healthy. As we grow older the concentrations of HA begin to decrease causing wrinkles as the skin becomes drier and loses its ability to maintain its hydration. Roughly half of the HA in our body is found in the skin (the largest organ in the body). HA and Collagen fibers are vital to maintaining the skin’s layers and structure. Collagen gives skin its firmness, but HA keeps it from getting over stretched or drying out. By bathing collagen with a continual supply of nutritiously dense liquid, moisture can be sustained and improved. HOW IT WORKS… When HA is tightly coiled, and bodily tissues are tight, there is little flexibility in the HA to bond to and release ions, crippling our ability to heal. When cellular tissue is traumatized, it then becomes inflamed. Products of inflammation break down the Hyaluronic Acid (HA) plummeting its production. When the concentration of HA is low, or when it is coiled tight due to trauma, we often observe knots and spasms in muscular and myofascial tissues. This results in lubrication problems, inflammation, and muscular and myofascial tightness. The result can be pain and/or imbalances creating inefficient movement by altering the individual’s biomechanics thus, influencing his/her posture and dynamic balance. Injuries to the facial system do not follow typical nerve root or trigger point referral patterns and standard imaging tests (x-rays, CT scans, MRI, etc) will not pick up its dysfunction, so typically these malfunctions go undiagnosed. THE GOOD NEWS… Not only is HA naturally occurring in our bodies, but we have the ability to increase its production (even as we age). As we relax, the HA literally unwinds, allowing for our muscles and skin to relax. By uncoiling, releasing its bonds, and acting as a lubricant, fibers are allowed to pass over each other smoothly, making the tissue soft and supple. Therapeutic interventions can alter our fascia by stretching its elastic component, shearing the cross-links that may have developed, changing the viscosity of the ground substance (connective tissue) by increasing the production of Hyaluronic Acid, and increasing its mobility and fluid flow. Techniques which have a direct affect on fascia include Myofascial Release (Foam Rolling), Visceral Manipulation, Cranial Osteopathy and Cranial Sacral Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Acupuncture, IMS, and Yin Yoga. Oh, and by the way, HA is sold in pill form, but what I have been talking about is change on a cellular level. Taking a pill will not be as effective, and will not provide insight to Body Awareness. We need the fundamental Union of Breath, Body, and Mind to be complete. Let’s start taking the best care of ourselves possible.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 22:06:42 +0000

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