I always hear comrades saying that it is cold outside the ANC. - TopicsExpress


I always hear comrades saying that it is cold outside the ANC. This statement is usually expressed when a comrade who was once a member of the organisation leaves to join opposition, or dares to differ with what is often a popular but regressive sentiment. What usually transpires, particularly in the first scenario, is that such a comrade is stripped off of everything and reduced to a figure of pathos. Their prospects of employment is frustrated. Their prospects of obtaining business through tendering is frustrated. Basically, such a comrade is given a demonstration of what it means to be dealt with. In a society where crass materialism is the order of the day, the mere thought of being dealt with is terrifying. And so this blackmail tactic of Its cold outside the ANC works, because no-one wants to suffer, even for a principle they believe in. What ends up happening is that people end up succumbing and stay in the ANC with heavy hearts, or they return with tails between their legs, thereby giving legitimacy to the assertion that indeed, it is cold outside the ANC. But we, as young people, why the hell must we be blackmailed into submission through the use of this Its cold outside the ANC bully tactic? What do we stand to lose from defying such regressive constructs? I can understand a 32 year old accepting this argument, because most people at that age have a lot of responsibilities. They must think for their children, their own stomachs, their mortgages and car instalments etc. So them submitting to blackmail can be understood. But what would a 22 year old like myself be protecting by submitting to such regressive arguments? We have a duty as young people to capacitate ourselves to a point where we dont need deployments or political favours to get ahead in life. We must get our academic qualifications as well as establish our own independent profiles which will open doors that dont depend on the approval of comrades. We must strive to be people who dont need deployments and favours to survive. If some government department refuses to hire you because some ANC comrade who controls the hiring and firing of people doesnt want you there, you must be able to give them the middle finger and go join some other institution, be it in the private sector or NGO sector or academia or wherever youre useful. Deployments cant be our only option. I insist that its cold outside the ANC only for those who have no capacity and therefore have nowhere to go and nothing to sell. It is cold outside the ANC for those who have decided that political connections and deployments are the only option. These are people who will feel the cold of being outside the ANC. Those who have capacity and something of value to give will not feel this cold. When told that its cold outside the ANC they will simply go and be warm inside some law firm, private hospital, engineering firm, a multinational mega-corporation or international organisation. They can even leave the country and go work overseas. They dont need deployments mos. There are many people in this country who arent members of the ANC and who dont do business with government or are employed by it. How exactly are they surviving if really being outside the ANC is going to cause hypothermia? Tsek!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:28:16 +0000

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