I always think Christmas & New year holiday are time we feels like - TopicsExpress


I always think Christmas & New year holiday are time we feels like our whole life is being threaded through a needle. Anything that is intense or uncomfortable finds its way to the surface somehow. I love how Ram Dass says if you think you are enlightened go and spend a few days with your family. Yes. Exactly. Stuff comes up. Feelings surface. The extra sacredness and light and awareness make it safe for these things to come out. And our job? To choose what we will do with it all. Will we deepen our self-kindness - our self-love? (This is hard. I am handling this as best I can. Maybe I need time to myself. How can I care for myself so that I can be a loving presence for others too? I feel so lonely even when Im around all these people; Im going to be brave and share how Im really feeling because I trust the love will hold me.) Or will we beat ourselves up? (I should be over this by now. I shouldnt be feeling these things still when Im with my parents. I should be in a relationship by now. I shouldnt still be grieving. I should get over myself.) As I see it, Christmas & New year has got all confused for us humans. Buying the right presents has taken precedence over simply bring present to each other and ourselves with compassion and gentleness. We have forgotten that this time is an invitation to know love more deeply, to experience our innocence more profoundly, to know God with skin on (isnt that what Jesus taught us?) by being that for each other - and ourselves - and leaning on each other more fully by asking for help, being honest about our struggles. Because the joy and the sweetness are right here for us always. They never go anywhere, however deeply we forget them. But we have to be where we are with authenticity and honesty and realness and as much kindness as we can muster if we want to be connected to them fully. If we want to be plugged in properly. So this is my Christmas wish for myself and everyone. That we remember to come home to ourselves in the midst of the washing up and the meltdowns and the stuff squished onto grandmas cream sofa and the tiredness and the laughter and the crackers. Lets choose love today even more than usual -in amongst all the feelings and the bits that dont go our way and the imperfections and the hard stuff and the missing people so much it hurts our bones - by trusting what holds us. May we all remember more deeply how loved we are, how innocent we are in our essence. May we come home to ourselves in amongst it all. Love. ❤️
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:14:35 +0000

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